My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 136 Shopaholic

Chapter 136 Shopaholic

After her strength broke through to the fourth level of the foundation building period, she immediately stopped practicing, and then began to buy things that were only eligible to purchase after reaching the fourth level of the foundation building period.

First of all, spend 1500 points to purchase the qualification of Yipin Dan Pharmacist, and inherit the skills of Yipin Dan Pharmacist.From now on, she will be able to refine all the first-grade pills effortlessly, and the potency levels are all top-quality, and there will be no waste pills.

Then, spend 1500 points to purchase the qualification of a first-grade refiner, and inherit the skills of a first-grade refiner.From now on, she can refine all the first-grade spiritual weapons without any effort, and the increase in force value of the spiritual weapons can reach one level, which is the best among first-grade spiritual weapons.

After that, she spent another 2000 points to buy a martial art called "Teleportation".This martial art book is quite cheating, spending so many points, you can't directly cultivate it to great success in one go.

This is a high-level martial art that runs through the entire mind, with a total of 81 levels from the foundation period to the Mahayana period. "Teleportation" can play a different role in each level.

And she is currently in the fourth level of the foundation stage, the distance she can teleport is 2 meters, and she only has 3 chances to use it a day.

Even so, Ling Tian spent the 2000 points without mercy.

Because in some emergencies, the teleportation of 2 meters can not only avoid danger, but also kill the enemy when he is out of danger in an instant, turning defeat into victory.

The three big heads spent 5000 points, and after that, Ling Tian spent 250 points to buy a first-grade alchemy furnace, and 250 points to buy a first-grade refining furnace.

Thinking of Mo Chengtian's injury, she spent another 20 points to buy a Trauma Restoration Pill and a recipe for a Face Restoration Pill.Afterwards, I spent 20 points to buy the spirit herbs needed for these two prescriptions.

Fortunately, the prices of Dan Fang and Lingcao are still fair, otherwise she would not be able to afford them.

Ling Tian felt like he was celebrating Double Eleven!

After chopping her hands, she instantly changed from a rich woman with more than 5000 points to a pauper with only 151 points!
$ _ $
"Starved to death, starved to death!"

After shopping, Ling Tian rushed out of the room.

Di Wushang and Feiyu turned into Ah Da and Ah Er and waited outside Ling Tian's room. Seeing Ling Tian coming out, Di Wushang's lips raised slightly, and the secret voice said: "Little Tian'er, have you made a breakthrough?"


Ling Tian's voice was mixed with a trace of uncontrollable excitement, even more exciting than her breaking through from the first level to the peak of the third level in three days.

Di Wushang frowned slightly: "So happy, is there something good?"


"Is it related to karma points?" Di Wushang guessed.

"Yes. I became a first-grade alchemist and a first-grade weapon refiner." In front of Di Wushang, Ling Tian felt that he didn't need to hold back.

Di Wushang frowned slightly, and finally understood the importance of karma to this little guy.


If it was someone else, I am afraid that Ling Tian would have had some great luck, and he would be greedy when he met some treasure that could help his cultivation. happy.

His little princess is not an ordinary person after all.

No matter if it is a godfather or Taoist Master Tongtian, what is left to her will definitely not be ordinary.

He looks forward to her growth.

"Hee hee, I will be able to refine pills and spirit weapons for you in the future." Ling Tian's happiness was beyond words.

(End of this chapter)

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