Chapter 1368

You know, godfather and godmother were known as the golden boys and girls in Hunyuan Continent back then, especially the godmother. For so many years, he has never seen a woman whose appearance is as good as his.


Looking at the small appearance of his family's little Tian'er in front of him, Feng Yun's lips could not help but gently raised, which was quite embarrassing.

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, caressed his flying eyebrows and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh... Godfather once told me very embarrassingly, he said that godmother is the most beautiful woman in the world, and no one can be more beautiful than godmother. I really thought so before, but after seeing her After seeing my little Tian'er's all-powerful face, I found that you are three points more beautiful than your mother. It's a pity that the godfather can't see it anymore, otherwise I will really slap myself in the face."

Ling Tian couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although I have never seen how her family Fenghuang got along with her parents before, but from the past events he occasionally mentioned, it can be seen that her family Fenghuang and her father used to have a love and killing relationship!

Caressing Ling Tian's slightly moist hair on her cheek, Feng Yun lovingly kissed the corner of her lips.

I really can't put it down the more I look at it!

"Brother, now it's your turn to tell me about your life in Central Continent for the past two months."

"You have found this place, so Jun Yan must have told you about me, right?"

In Feng Yun's smiling eyes, Ling Tian curled his lips: "I told you, but he didn't tell me much about that Feng Ling. Tell me carefully!"

Feng Yun smiled wryly, and rubbed Ling Tian's hairy head on his chest, feeling a bit dumbfounded.

"Such a smelly woman, what details can I have with her? Tian'er, you don't know, I had a miserable time in the princess's mansion for a month. Although I used a clone, I can actually smell it. The smell on her body. The stench, I can smell it 100 meters away from me. I don’t know why, but I can smell it, and no one else can. Can you understand the pain in my heart? "

"Yes." Ling Tian nodded, showing sincere sympathy for Feng Yun.But her mouth couldn't help playing tricks: "This kind of woman who can't be seen but can't be touched, looks beautiful, but smells like stinky tofu, really makes people miserable!"

Then, she paid a heavy price for the quickness of her tongue.

When he felt that steel-like Majesty was approaching again, Ling Tian wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

After being hearty, Feng Yun continued with the question just now.

"Xiao Tian'er, can you understand the pain in my heart?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Hehehe..." =_=! !
"Then do you have any good suggestions for this?"

"Yes, I have!"


Looking at Feng Yun's eyebrows that slanted into his temples, and the corners of his eyes hooked, Ling Tian's heart tightened, and he said righteously: "That bitch actually tried to seduce my man, I will definitely torture her until she sees a man. Dare to open your eyes!"

"That's what you said!"

"Must! You are my man!"

"You know my little Tian'er is the best woman in the world!"

Finally, Ling Tian's performance deeply pleased someone.

However, she had just let out a breath when she saw a certain wolf with a big tail bullying her up again, and said shamelessly——

"This is the reward!"


(End of this chapter)

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