My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 1371 I Can't Smell The Stink Anymore

Chapter 1371 I Can't Smell The Stink Anymore
"En." Ling Tian continued to nod happily.

"I was going to ask you to help me get ahead, but now it seems that I don't need it."

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded again, then shook his head and said: "No, no, I still have to take care of that Feng Ling. She dares to covet my Ling Tian's man, she must be ready to be taken care of by me! "

Feng Yun petted and said: "Okay. Di Qianzhong will leave it to me, and Feng Ling will leave it to you."

"But Di Qianzhong, I really want to abuse him, what should I do?"

"Then I will give it to you to abuse." He just needs to be by the side to protect her safety.

"Okay." Ling Tian nodded.

A group of people outside also came in after hearing the two talking.

"Little Tianer, what shall we do next?"

"Brother, you are already above the peak of Lingzun, can you be farther away from your clone?"

"No problem, let's go back to Dongzhou. Let's wait for Junyan to stabilize the situation in Dongzhou. There is no rush to deal with Emperor Qianzhong."

"it is good."

So, without Di Qianzhong and Feng Ling's knowledge, Feng Yun had already brought Ling Tian and his party back to Dongzhou.

Central Continent Palace.

Di Qianzhong frowned carefully at the person lying on the bed in the prince's bedroom.

"Are you sure the prince's sense of smell and taste has been sealed?"

In front of the bed, beads of sweat had already oozed from the forehead of a seventh-rank alchemist.After taking out the silver needle inserted into Feng Yun's body, he said cautiously and with low eyebrows: "I report to the Holy Monarch, after ninety-nine and eighty-one days of acupuncture, combined with the seventh-grade elixir of my subordinates, His Royal Highness's The senses of taste and smell have definitely been sealed. But from now on, His Highness the Crown Prince will not be able to smell or taste anything."

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to make sure His Royal Highness won't smell anything strange again."


The seventh-rank alchemist responded, and stood aside in a respectful manner.

Seeing Shengjun facing the person on the bed with genuine concern, all the ministers were speechless.

The prince incident has been recognized as the most mysterious and weird event in these years. No one understands why His Royal Highness King Jin, who was not favored in the past, can become the prince after being favored by Princess Fengling.

And this prince is still a legitimate prince.Not only has the power comparable to that of an emperor, but those princes who tried to contradict him and assassinate him were also dealt with by the emperor one by one.

In short, in just half a year, His Royal Highness the new crown prince has taken control of the entire Central Continent under the authority of the Holy King.

What made the ministers happy was that the new crown prince did not block their way of making money.Because the prince is worthy of being the son of the sage, he is even more lazy than the sage.

It is not uncommon for ten days and a half months not to go to the morning court once.

Anyway, it has been half a year since the prince supervised the country, but the number of times the prince has gone to court can be counted clearly with ten fingers.

Everyone knows that what is more important than going to court is that His Highness the Crown Prince really loves Princess Fengling, but she always feels that Princess Fengling has a bad smell on her body.Not to mention being together, even if Princess Fengling got a little closer, the prince couldn't bear it, and vomited until he fainted.

So for the past few months, the imperial physicians in Central Continent have suffered a lot.

These imperial physicians are all alchemists of the sixth rank or above. They have tried countless methods. If they fail this time, there is really no other way.

(End of this chapter)

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