Chapter 1381

In the end, this girl left him everything and abducted his senior brother.He was exhausted every day, but this girl was happy and happy in the imperial palace with her senior brother all day long.

He also wants to hug his wife and have a good time, okay?

"Uncle, Xiao Tianer, can you care about my feelings as a single dog? You stuff dog food into my mouth every day, I really have had enough!"

Seeing a lot of complaints, Feng Yun calmly embraced the person in his arms who was about to get ready, and Ling Tian fell to Feng Yun again.

Holding her comfortably in his arms, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "You all broke into my bedroom together, it's better if something big happens."

"A big deal! Of course it's a big deal!"

Ye Chuchen hopped over to Ling Tian's side, and sat down on it without hesitation.

Seeing this, Feng Yun quickly moved his legs away.

After all, he is obsessed with cleanliness and doesn't like to get close to other women, no matter how close they are.

Ling Tian was imprisoned by Feng Yun and couldn't move at all. He could only push his head out, and asked with bright eyes: "What's the big deal?"

"Just now, Long Jue, that is, Di Qianzhong, issued a notice to the entire Hunyuan Continent, saying that his brother-in-law colluded with demons outside the territory in order to dominate the entire Hunyuan Continent. So he called on everyone on the five continents to take action. Once news of brother-in-law is found, Shoot to kill."

"Senior brother, what did you do to make Long Jue blow up?"

What Gu Junyan is interested in is also what everyone is interested in.

Seeing that everyone was so happy, Feng Yun generously shared the matter.

After sharing, everyone burst into laughter.

"Long Jue said in the notice that it was Di Wushang or Feng Yun who colluded with the monsters outside the territory?" Ling Tian couldn't help asking.

"He said that Feng Yun killed King Jin, Emperor Wushang, and disguised himself as Emperor Wushang, wandering around Central Continent."

"He said that my brother colluded with monsters from outside the territory. Is there any evidence? Does it mean that the common people will listen to it if you just talk about it?"

"Of course not. But with Long Jue's pissing nature, he will definitely find a way to bring in foreign monsters in the near future. So we must be ready to fight at any time."

Ling Tian pondered: "I heard that there is an enchantment outside this continent. If monsters from outside the region want to come in, they must open the enchantment inside. And it is not possible to open the enchantment anywhere, right?"

"Yes." Feng Yun and Gu Junyan nodded.

"Where did the foreign monsters come from in the past?"

"Dongzhou." Feng Yun and Gu Junyan spoke in unison.

"For tens of thousands of years, demons from outside the territory have been infiltrating the barrier outside the Hunyuan Continent in an attempt to invade the interior. The first hole in the mainland was in Dongzhou. Although my father had repaired the hole in the first place, but he After the death, Dongzhou was attacked again. And after the godfather passed away, the entire Dongzhou has been unmanaged for 20 years, and we don’t know how many holes there are in it.”

Ling Tian frowned: "That is to say, foreign monsters may invade from a corner of Dongzhou at any time? Then we are hard to guard against?"

"It won't be. I have been closely monitoring the situation in every inch of Dongzhou for 20 years, and there is no news of monsters invading from Dongzhou quietly. So it is almost certain that even if there has been a hole, the hole is not enough to let people go. A large number of monsters have entered the interior."

(End of this chapter)

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