Chapter 1401

"Well said!" Gu Xiangyun nodded: "If it was really from the heart, I wouldn't look down on you like that."

"Girl, you're worrying too much. I really do mean it from the bottom of my heart." Cheng Jinhan quickly expressed his desire to fight against foreign demons.

"Okay, I don't need the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman. But because of your bad reputation before, now you have to make a thunder robbery oath. The content is that you, Cheng Jinhan, will lead your Nanzhou army to fight against foreign demons with all your strength. , there will never be a situation where you are greedy for life and afraid of death, retreating before the battle, and stealing and playing tricks to save your effort. If the determination to fight against demons is impure, you will be killed by the thunderbolt."

When Cheng Jinhan heard this, his face turned dark.

Didn't he just want to preserve the power of Nanzhou and weaken the power of the other three continents while fighting against demons?If he had made the Thunder Tribulation Oath, how would he preserve his strength in Nanzhou?

"Everyone, do you believe Cheng?"

"Of course." Everyone said in unison.


Looking at the nine people who were staring at him like a tiger, Cheng Jinhan was in a bad mood.

He stayed in the imperial palace to enjoy himself, and suddenly such a group of people came, asking him to gather millions of soldiers above the Huang Lingsheng level in the shortest possible time, not to mention forcing him to make the entire Nanzhou army face the mirror image character acting.

Now that the play is over, he still has to be forced to make the Thunder Tribulation Oath.

This is simply a bunch of robbers.

"Why, you don't want to stand?"

"..." Cheng Jinhan kept silent.

"If you don't want to stand up, we won't force you."

Cheng Jinhan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Can such a good thing happen?
"Then you should hand over the management rights of Nanzhou now, and let someone who is willing to lead Nanzhou soldiers to fight against demons from outside the territory take this position."

"Are you threatening me?"

"It's so clever that you figured it out so quickly."

Cheng Jinhan: ...! ! !
Looking at the nine people staring at him covetously, even if he didn't want to, Cheng Jinhan was scared.In the end, in front of everyone, the Thunder Tribulation Oath was made.

The oath was established, and the nine people set off to leave.

"Cheng Jinhan, remember, within a month, you and Nanzhou's million-strong army must arrive at the designated place, and there must be no mistakes."

"Bang—!... Bang——"

Suddenly, in the seats of civil and military officials, and among the millions of troops, someone exploded, turning into a blood mist, causing a commotion in the crowd.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. In order to prevent the Central Continent from getting the news in advance, we have made some tricks. Anyone who tries to report to the Central Continent will die. By doing this, we also cleared up the hidden dangers for you." Spy in Nanzhou. So, thank you!"

After all, the group really left, leaving only the shocked Cheng Jinhan, all civil and military officials and millions of soldiers in Nanzhou.

Why did people from Southern Continent explode when they contacted Central Continent in their own way?
Isn't this scientific? !

Why do these people explode?

Not to mention civil and military officials, even Cheng Jinhan looked extremely ugly and puzzled.

Not to mention that there are less than 30 spiritual masters above the ninth level in the Hunyuan Continent, each of them has a bottom line here, and there are no such people at all.As far as the move they played, Cheng Jinhan was so stunned that he couldn't even see the way.

The nine peak masters who threatened Nanzhou had already left, and some unbelievers immediately took out Taoist talismans or jade slips to send news to Zhongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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