Chapter 1404

Some powerful warriors even mobilized all their spiritual power, hoping to rush to the scene of the incident in the shortest possible time and serve their lord.

At the moment when the eight spiritual masters slashed down with their palms, at the moment when the hearts of all the people almost jumped out of their throats, and they couldn't help exclaiming at the mirror image symbol——


Four things like flying boats suddenly roared at the same time, and four light blue halos suddenly emanated from the fuselage. Trembling high-pitched screeching sound.

The destructive power of the eight high-ranking Lingzun masters striking down with all their strength at the same time was not only dissipated by the shock wave, but even the eight high-ranking Lingzun masters themselves were thrown backwards by the shock.

The eight people who were originally scattered were forced to gather together again by the shock wave.

Even the non-spiritual people who were scattered on the five continents of the Hunyuan Continent and were concentrating on watching the mirror image symbols everywhere, after hearing the humming, their nosebleeds were caused by the vibration frequency of the humming.

Everyone was shocked to see the four ships that had slowly risen from the ground to the air in the mirror image symbol, besieging the eight Lingzun within a radius of 200 meters, and their eyes were full of frantic surprise and admiration.

"What are these four things that are so powerful?"

"I don't know, it looks like a miniature flying boat."

"It's definitely not a flying boat! Flying boats don't have the ability to attack. This thing not only resisted the attacks of the eight high-ranking spirit masters, but also knocked them flying."

"That's an improved version of the flying boat. My lord is really amazing, and such an awesome thing can be made!"

"That's not right! Otherwise, how could it be the lord? That's the son of the owner of Hunyuan Continent!"

Fortunately, Gu Junyan couldn't hear the people's comments, otherwise he would definitely jump out and speak for Mrs. Zijia.

From the design to the installation of this thing, Feng Yun did not do anything.The only thing related to Feng Yun is that these four improved fighter jets were all refined by his sister.

What does it have to do with Fengyun?

As a result, these people all went to worship Feng Yun.

The real powerful person is his wife!
The eight spiritual masters looked at the four flying boats that surrounded them, but they were more than a little bit more terrifying than the flying boats, and their eyes were full of irrepressible shock.

With just four iron shells, they couldn't shake them!

Not only that, but he was also shocked by this thing and flew upside down.

Simply shameful!
A ninth-level peak spirit lord headed by him couldn't help but said: "Who is your Excellency? Come out and fight the old man if you have the ability. It's not a gentleman's behavior to hide your head and show your tail."


"You guys dare to mention being a gentleman to others?"

"Damn villain, I really want to slap him!"

The people who looked at the mirror image got angry. This is not the words of a warrior, it is the words of a female cousin!

"Hide your head and show your tail?"

Suddenly, one of the flying boats actually spoke.

It was a male voice, with a mechanical voice, which sounded unreal.

"This deity is a celestial artifact—Megatron! This deity has already personally come out to greet you and other ants, and you dare to say that this deity is hiding his head and showing his tail?"
(End of this chapter)

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