Chapter 1413

"In order to gain a foothold in the Hunyuan Continent, I had no choice but to commit myself to him. But because he was too dirty and disgusting, I took away the phantom and made false promises with him. Brother Longjue, are you angry?"

Long Jue looked at the woman who no longer looked like Feng Ling, and a look of contempt and disgust flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He understood that when Feng Ling betrayed him, although he hated him, there was still love in his heart.But when he killed the real Feng Ling with one palm without hesitation, he found that all he had was possessiveness for this woman.

If it were the same as before, let alone destroying Fengling's primordial spirit, even if he hurt her a little, he would not be willing to bear it.

And this possessive desire is nothing more than an obsession.If Feng Ling resists, his obsession will become stronger.On the contrary, for more than a month, she has always been responsive to him, lowered her eyebrows and looked down, and his thoughts on her have become weaker and weaker.

Now when he heard this woman talking about the king of demons in front of him, he actually felt disgusted.

Glancing at Feng Ling, he turned and left without answering her.

"Brother Longjue, wait for me!"

Fearing that Long Jue would abandon her outside the barrier when he entered the domain, Feng Ling hurriedly followed.

Back in the domain, the people of Hunyuan Continent saw Di Qianzhong and Huanmo again.

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"


Originally, only one person took the lead, but in an instant, the people of the entire continent began to shout these four words.

As soon as they entered the domain, Long Jue and Feng Ling felt something was wrong.

"Who is it?" Long Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little inconceivable that there was someone here, and there was such a powerful wave of spiritual energy.

"I thought you had seized this king for more than a month, so you should have a good understanding of this king's aura."

"Feng Yun?!"

Long Jue looked at the person in front of him in surprise, and was shocked in his heart: "How could it be you? How did you know this place?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, looked at Feng Ling and said: "Well, you should ask Feng Ling. Without her help, this king would not know that the real hole outside the Hunyuan Continent's link domain is in Beizhou .”

Long Jue's hands clenched into fists instantly.

Originally, the moment Feng Yun appeared on his face, he had guessed that Feng Ling might betray him again.

But on second thought, this matter involves Feng Ling and whether he can survive.Knowing that it was impossible for Feng Yun to fall in love with her and accept her, it was impossible for her to betray herself, so almost immediately, Long Jue vetoed the idea in his heart.

But at this moment, hearing Feng Yun's words with his own ears, the sense of shame and betrayal in Long Jue's heart surged out like a flood.

The eyes looking at Feng Ling instantly turned blood red.

"You betrayed me again?"

Feng Ling was startled, and quickly flew away from Long Jue, and said to Feng Yun very flatteringly: "Brother Feng Yun, you are finally here, just now we came down from the space enchantment. Di Qianzhong not only framed you, He also forced me to summon an army of monsters. Maybe within ten days, an army of thousands of monsters will gather over Beizhou. Brother Fengyun, you promised me that you will protect me, even if I can’t go back Heavenly Court, you also protect my life in the Hunyuan Continent."

(End of this chapter)

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