Chapter 1421

Not even a shred of her soul will survive in this world.

After killing Feng Ling, Ling Tian's figure suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the slightly gloomy voice of Megatron Mechanism resounded in the air.

"Long Jue, Feng Ling is dead, and it's time to deal with you! Even if you are not Emperor Qianzhong, as a heavenly emperor, as a member of the Hunyuan Continent, you have colluded with foreign demons and made the people of Hunyuan Continent feel ashamed. Once again caught in the chaos of war and dire straits. You killed the master of the Hunyuan Continent, Yu Chihe, the emperor of Xizhou, Ling Xiao, the emperor of Dongzhou, and millions of soldiers in Dongzhou! Now you are still trying to frame Fengyun and lure foreign demons Entering the country. Your crimes are beyond description, today..."

Before Megatron finished speaking, Galvatron said, "Today we will destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

Megatron (Hua Lixiao): ...=_=! !
Yu Tiandi (Ye Chuchen): ...Little Tian'er, what you said is so imposing!

Fallen King Kong (Demon Moon): ...Why does it represent the moon?

Hundreds of millions of people: ...why not represent the sun?
Long Jue: ...

Seeing the four fighter jets rising from all around him, everyone's blood boiled.Seeing Long Jue's sarcastic and disdainful eyes, the people who were looking at the mirror image talisman shouted, "Let Long Jue dance for us!"

Seeing that Feng Yun and his four major guards really backed away, Long Jue couldn't help but sneer: "Feng Yun, you look down on me too much, you think you can trap me with four flying boat-like things? Kill? Do you think if you were trapped here today, you would pay attention to these four iron bumps?"

It wasn't Feng Yun who answered him, but the natural enemy controlled by Ye Chuchen.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. I am a soil turtle who has never seen the world, but I still say that swans are quails. Long Jue, open your dog eyes and see, we are not flying boats, we are—"


However, after Ye Chuchen finished speaking, the surrounding area was completely silent.

Hua Lixiao, Ling Tian and Yaoyue raised their foreheads one after another, determined not to say those four words in unison.This feeling can only be done by a fool.

Ye Chuchen: ...! ! !
Who can understand this feeling of beeping a dog?
Long Jue frowned slightly: "What is it? Why didn't you say it?"


The Fallen King Kong looked the scariest, but at this moment he suddenly laughed because of Long Jue's words.

Hua Lixiao: ...

Who can understand her depression?

I feel like she shouldn't have designed such a cold thing!

Whether it's Xiaotian'er, Xiaochen'er, or Yaoyue, with the personality of three shit-stirring sticks, they are simply not suitable for playing such aloof things.

Long Jue looked at the inexplicable three spaceships, and was too lazy to waste his expression on talking nonsense to them. His spiritual power instantly expanded, forming a black shock wave with him as the center, and moving towards the four spaceships surrounding him with fluctuations visible to the naked eye. Spread away.

At the same time that Long Jue frightened the spiritual power, the four Transformers also activated the inscription pattern defense formation at the same time. At the moment that black wave hit the fuselage, the four fighters simultaneously emitted a reflected inscription pattern wave arc.


The two colors, one black and one orchid, collided together, and there was a huge explosion in an instant. The whole scene was instantly surrounded by black and orchid, and then scattered in all directions.

The high altitudes with a radius of hundreds of miles were affected by this force.

(End of this chapter)

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