Chapter 1429

Ye Chuchen controlled the voice of the natural enemy, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and there was an inexplicable sense of loneliness on his body.

"The north wind blows the cool autumn breeze, whose wife keeps the vacant room? I will help you if you are in trouble. I live next door and my surname is Wang!"

Long Jue: "...!"

"You can call me Old Wang next door."

Long Jue: "...!!"

"If you insist on clarifying my old Wang's name, then I can tell you in a responsible manner. My full name is Wang Wudi. After all, those beautiful wives say that I am braver than their husband-in-law. In bed ccc No one is invincible."

Long Jue: "...!!!"

"Look at the stalwart body of this deity, and then look at you!" Yu Tiandi clicked his tongue twice, and said contemptuously: "In the eyes of this deity, yours is just a toothpick! Your name is Long Jue, could it be that you are the one who will cut off your children and grandchildren?" ?Your mother knew that you would have no children and grandchildren since she was born? Sure enough, the gods are different, they have foresight. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Feng Ling to betray you again and again. A girl from someone else is still a god in heaven , why do you want to be with a toothpick man like you who has lost his children and grandchildren? Brother Jue, a woman's sexual happiness is also very important!"

After finishing speaking, he played the music again in a rage.

The previous music was Green Light.Now, people only hear the lyrics in it are-how invincible is, how lonely.How, how empty is invincibility.Alone in the summit, the cold wind keeps blowing.My loneliness, who can understand me?
Long Jue: "...!!!!"


Yaoyue, who was controlling the Fallen King Kong, couldn't bear it anymore, and finally burst out laughing.

Laughing with him were the 400 million troops who were on standby hundreds of miles away, as well as the people of the entire Hunyuan Continent.I couldn't help laughing out loud at this moment.Most people were even laughed to tears.

Long Jue's strength had already reached a certain level of success, so he heard the ridicule of these 400 million people very clearly.

In a fit of rage, he wanted to rush out, but he staggered a few steps because of the sudden bloodshot on his forehead, and managed to use his spiritual power to suppress the arrogance.

If he knew that today's allusion to the toothpick and the allusion to the old king next door would be recorded in the annals of history by the people of Hunyuan Continent as a permanent classic and joke, I wonder if he could calm down so quickly?

Long Jue felt the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat. He was a top expert who was seven levels above the peak of Lingzun, and he was so angry with this hateful woman that he vomited blood!

But knowing that the person controlling this iron man is a woman, the voice of the iron man she controls is male.Coupled with the fact that the other party's mouth is so poisonous, Long Jue, who never talks nonsense with others, let alone quarrels with others, can only suffer in front of the people of the entire Hunyuan Continent.

"Yellow-mouthed child with sharp teeth, die!"

Long Jue flew up again under the panic.

Ye Chuchen and Ling Tian at the side rushed to fight against it at the same time.

Only one of the attacks from the four hit Long Jue, but because of its incomparably powerful defense, even the ancient thunder calamity did not cause much damage to Long Jue.

And the natural enemy controlled by Ye Chuchen was once again smashed to pieces by Long Jue.

But in the next moment, in less than two seconds, the shattered Yu Natural Enemy was intact again.

Long Jue: ...! ! !
So angry!

(End of this chapter)

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