Chapter 1437

"Speak so impassionedly! This place is between the enchantment and the outside world. You dare to make a thunder oath, saying that your army of monsters is not greedy for life and fear of death. Even if you lose this time, you don't even have underwear. Will you throw away your helmet and armor, and fight human beings upright?"

"Why don't you dare? You humans seem to be very powerful. Let me tell you, little girl, that the limit of your humans has come."

"Tch. Bragging! If you have the ability, you make the Lei Jie oath according to what I just said! As long as you throw away your armor and armor this time, Lei Jie will not let you go."

"Why don't you dare to swear? My lord is now making a vow of thunder and robbery in public. This time, even if my army of monsters loses our trousers, we will never throw away our armor. Even if my lord dies Now, our army of monsters will definitely break into the domain and occupy the Hunyuan Continent! Otherwise, our army of monsters will be bombarded and killed by the thunderstorm!"

"Boom..." Lei Jie was established.

The corners of Ling Tian's three sisters' lips showed smiles that surprised the monsters.

A bad premonition flashed in the demon king's heart, but then he thought, if he really died and the demons threw away their helmets and armor, then they didn't care about his business whether they died or not.

This time he went out in person, either he succeeded or he became benevolent.

"So, that is to say, you admit that you can't beat me, right?"


"If you can beat me, what do you swear to do?"

"You yellow-haired boy, you are the one who made me swear?"

"She asked you to swear and you swear? Are you her son?" Ye Chuchen sneered.

Demon King: "..."

Before he had time to speak, Ling Tian had already refuted in displeasure.

"Xiao Chen'er, what do you mean? How could my brother's and I's child look like this? Even if he is my godson, I'd hate him, okay?"

"I'm sorry, Xiao Tian'er, brother-in-law, I'm sorry for you! I was wrong. This Sabi is not even worthy to lift your shoes, wipe your feet, or kneel and lick you. Hahahaha..."

"You little yellow-haired kids, you're too bullying! People with sharp teeth and sharp mouths die quickly. Now, my king has lost interest in talking to you. Who is the leader of your army this time, come out and suffer death!" !"

"Missy Ben is one of the leaders of the human army this time, and Missy Ben's father and mother died under the shameless design of you monsters and Di Qianzhong, so your humble life can only be Miss Ben is here to pick it up."


The demon king came interested: "Who are your parents?"

"This lady's father is Ling Xiao, the emperor of Dongzhou, and her mother is Baiyunjian, the empress of Dongzhou. Therefore, the hatred between this lady and you monsters is irreconcilable. King of monsters, come here, and die!"

"Wang, such a little girl is not worthy of your own hands, let the subordinates come down."

"King, let the subordinates come down!"

"Wang, she insulted you like this, let the subordinates come down and kill her!"

Several generals around the demon king pleaded for orders one after another, but were stopped by the demon king.

"Although she is not worthy of fighting with the King, but because her father is Ling Xiao, the King will give his daughter face and personally send his daughter to the Underworld to meet him. Oh, no, no, my King Wrong, Ling Xiao blew himself up and died. He didn't even have a remnant soul. Even if his daughter went to the underworld, he wouldn't be able to see her. Since he was an old friend, the king also let his daughter turn into a flying Gray it."

(End of this chapter)

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