Chapter 1460

"When I went back in time, I realized that I could only make sure to go back to a certain approximate time, but I couldn't make it precise."

In other words, she can only guarantee that she will return to 20 years ago, but she doesn't know whether it is before or after the war.

"It's erupting. There are almost no people in the emperor's palace in Dongzhou, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stay here so happily waiting for you to come back."

"Then I have to go to the battlefield first, I want to save my father in this world."

With that said, Ling Tian was about to leave.

"Girl, don't worry, listen to what Dad tells you."

"Father, we can still talk for a lifetime, but I also have a pair of parents in this world. They are fighting hard now, and I came here specially to reverse the situation."

"The past cannot be changed. Once the past is changed, the future will also change. You are so happy now. You have found Yuan Ling, and you are with Feng Yun and pregnant with a baby. But if you change If the battle is over, then the people in Dongzhou will not die, and you three girls who have been taken away by Taoist Duobao may not meet your beloved in the future."

"But...but I can't just watch my parents in this world and the millions of soldiers in Dongzhou die in vain like this!"

"Girl, where there is a cause, there must be an effect. Dad can't tell you too many great principles, but today's war, even if Long Jue and Feng Ling hadn't hindered it, Dongzhou would have encountered basically the same changes as this one. What's more, don't you know what your parents in this world look like?"

"..." Ling Tian was silent for a moment before saying: "I only have their portraits. My father in this world looks a bit like dad."

"It's not like, today's Emperor Dongzhou and Empress Dongzhou are all disciples of Daddy's Sect. They are transformed into Daddy and your mother, and they are protecting you every step of your life."

Ling Tian stared: "What? You mean... Ling Xiao and Bai Yunjian are also gods?"

"That's not it!" Master Tongtian rubbed his daughter's head with a smile and said, "To kill Long Jue and Feng Ling, and to destroy those monsters outside the territory, for them, it's just a matter of moving their fingers. But this Everything in the world was designed by daddy. Especially the characters in Dongzhou, they are strictly selected by daddy to appear around your life."

Fearing that Ling Tian would not believe it, the leader of Tongtian simply waved his hand, and on one wall of the palace, there appeared Dongzhou soldiers who were fighting bloody battles with foreign monsters at the moment.

"Look, these two are father's disciples pretending to be father and mother. Except for Feng Yun, Gu Junyan, and some very few people, the rest are almost fake."

Ling Tian twitched his eyebrows: "Fake...fake?"

"Scattering beans into soldiers! The millions of soldiers in Dongzhou are all made of beans."

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
Hua Lixiao: ...! ! !
Ye Chuchen: ...! ! !
Yaoyue: ...! ! !
"Of course, Dad doesn't deny that the millions of Dongzhou soldiers are not all beans, some of them are real flesh and blood, and they did die heroically.

But if this war that should be lost is really won, the pattern of this continent will change.Long Jue and Ling Xiao will meet, Dongzhou and Zhongzhou will meet, and it will be an unavoidable loss of life. "

(End of this chapter)

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