Chapter 1468

Except for eye color and hair color, everything else is exactly the same in terms of height and appearance. Even he himself can't find any difference. He doesn't need to introduce him to know that this is his twin brother Feng Ming.The crown prince of the Feng clan, the elder brother who went through 5000 years of catastrophe in the lower realms in order to find his soul.

Feng Ming's demeanor was a bit cold, even when he saw Feng Yun, he didn't smile.But the indelible warmth in his eyes perfectly interpreted the joy of seeing his brother at this moment.

Ignoring his younger brother's thank you, after all, he doesn't like family members talking about each other, and stretched out his arms to hold Caixia in his arms: "This is your sister-in-law, Caixia."

Feng Yun looked at Caixia, the obsession in her eyes was gone completely, she raised her lips slightly, revealing a magnificent smile: "Hello, sister-in-law."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Ling Tian into his arms and introduced to Feng Ming: "This is your sister-in-law Ling Tian. I heard that my Tian'er and you are good friends?"

Caixia chuckled: "Good friends? Good friends can't form the relationship between me and Xiaotian'er. We are girlfriends!"

Hearing that Caixia called Lingtian Xiaotianer, Feng Yun truly accepted all his family members.

Looking at the couple standing behind Caixia, who had been silent and kept a low profile, their eyes were startled, and they couldn't help asking: "Who are you? What is the relationship between Chiyang and Nuannuan and you?"

Yun Yue frowned slightly: "Chiyang is my son, Nuan Nuan is my future daughter-in-law. Have you met them before? Nuan Nuan and Chi Yang are together? When?"

She and her husband came to find Nuan Nuan from the lower realm. People in the Demon Realm said that they had seen Nuan Nuan near the Hunyuan Continent, so they came.

Now hearing what Feng Yun said, the hearts of the couple have settled down.With Chiyang protecting her, Nuannuan will definitely be fine.

"Chiyang and Nuannuan? The two you told me about before?" Ling Tian's eyes lit up when he heard the names of Chiyang and Nuannuan.

It turned out that the two powerful men were the couple's son and daughter-in-law.

Tsk tsk, Tianting is really a place where handsome men and beautiful women come out.There are sons and daughters-in-law, and mother and father are still so dazzling.

Just like her father, Master Tongtian.

It is completely different from the middle-aged uncle in myths and legends.He looks like a super handsome guy in his 20s.

Feng Ming introduced Feng Yun: "This is your sister-in-law's younger sister, Emperor Yunyue, the youngest daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. This is her husband, Demon Emperor Chi Yan."

I'll be darling!
Ling Tian, ​​Hua Liming, Ye Chuchen and Yaoyue were speechless.

Devil Emperor!
Two extreme big men and the Emperor of Heaven!
It was rumored that because of the Heavenly Emperor Princess, the immortal and demon families became relatives by marriage.

It is simply a good story in the world!

"Princess Yunyue, the Scarlet Flame Demon Emperor."

"Just call me Yunyue and Chi Yan. They are all family members. Although I am not familiar with you, I am quite familiar with Xiao Tian'er. Sister Tian'er is my sister's best friend."

"Okay." Feng Yun smiled slightly, and he was not polite anymore. These people gave him a very good impression.

"When did you meet Nuan Nuan girl? When you saw her, was she with Chi Yang? They are now in the Hunyuan Continent 20 years later?" Yun Yue asked again.

Feng Yun shook his head: "I saw Nuan Nuan 20 years ago, that is, not too long after now. At that time, the Great War had ended, and I had just been reborn on the body of Di Qianzhong's son Di Wushang. It’s not easy to go out for a drink, so Nuan Nuan climbed in from the window.”

(End of this chapter)

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