Chapter 1470

Both of them are very happy in their hearts that they can really embrace the beauty after they go down to the realm.

Although Huahua and Miss Ye saw that the two of them hadn't changed much except that they couldn't detect the depth of their strength in an instant, Gu Junyan and Muhun were very happy in their hearts.

After all, in the Heavenly Court before, these two girls couldn't get what they wanted.

Fortunately, after knowing that their Yuan Ling was thrown into the Hunyuan Continent, they quietly withdrew the Yuan Ling without telling their competitors, and entered the Hunyuan Continent to pursue their wives.Otherwise, when these two little girls return to the Heavenly Court, even if they can still catch up, they will have to lose their skin in the hands of their competitors.

"Father, mother, this is 20 years ago. My godfather and godmother and millions of soldiers from Dongzhou were fighting against foreign monsters here. I want to help them."

Feng Yun made the same request as Ling Tian.

Afterwards, King Feng explained in detail the arrangement of Master Tongtian, and Feng Yun let go of his gripping heart.

"But among those Dongzhou soldiers, there are always people who were not transformed by beans. They are all great heroes. They sacrificed their precious lives to defend Dongzhou. Although we cannot interfere with the history here, neither should these people. Suffering the end of the soul flying away. Father, since there are so many gods here, Tian'er and I are already dead, and you can help us gather the souls, so can you help find the souls of these sacrificed soldiers and let them enter the Netherworld, or Let them be reincarnated?"

"Of course it's fine."

After all, King Feng just spread out his palms, and Ling Tian felt countless remnant souls gathering here from the same direction.

Feng Yun couldn't see these remnant souls, but he could guess from Ling Tian's expression that the souls of these people were being gathered, and the corners of his lips could not help but smile.

When more and more souls gathered, in Feng Wang's hands, the souls that were lifelike but shrunk countless times showed their appearance in life.

Looking at the tens of thousands of familiar faces, not only Feng Yun, but even Gu Junyan, who already had the memory of the fairy world at this moment, couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips happily.

After these people blew themselves up, their souls were too weak to speak, but they could hear what Feng Yun said.

According to Feng Yun's intention, they each chose to go to the Netherworld or reincarnate.

20 years ago, the grief that weighed on everyone's hearts was finally relieved with the departure of these heroic spirits.

Before leaving the Hunyuan Continent 20 years ago and going to the Continent 20 years later, Master Tongtian introduced to Ling Tian and everyone the gods who followed him to welcome Ling Tian's return.

These gods include the chief disciple of the Master Tongtian, that is, Taoist Duobao who raised the three sisters, and the famous Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, who have been seen in various mythological books. Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao three empresses, there are Penglai Seven Immortals, Jiuyao Xingguan, 28 Constellations, 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha.

These are all righteous gods in the heaven, that is to say, the great gods who are in the rank of gods, and at worst they are also the gods of the lower gods.

According to reports, these are her father's first-generation disciples.

Below them, there are disciples of the second, third, and fourth generations.

Those of the fourth generation or above are at least at the Zhongxian level.

It is said that the entire Heavenly Court is divided into 33 heavens, of which No.30 is the highest triple Lihentian, which belongs to the royal family such as the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, as well as the Feng family, the Dragon family, and the supreme or several heavenly emperors like his father. place to enter.

(End of this chapter)

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