Chapter 1472

"After the deity rescued you, he put your souls into the Hunyuan Continent, and asked the four of you to guard the Netherworld, waiting for Tian'er to wake up. Sure enough, you and Tian'er are destined."

Quan Moying looked at Ling Tian, ​​and his eyes became moist instantly.

He is a beast, loyal to his master.When he made the contract with Ling Tian, ​​he still felt extremely indebted to his master.

Now that he knew that Ling Tian was his real master, the heavy sense of guilt on his body disappeared in an instant.

"In view of your meritorious service in protecting the lord, this deity bestows on you a new physical body."

After finishing speaking, Master Tongtian waved his fly whisk, and four rays of light flashed into the eyebrows of Quan Moying and the three Long brothers in an instant.

Soon the four of them flew out of the palace and into the sky.

Accompanied by roars that made the palace people feel dejected, a huge beast that they had never seen before suddenly appeared in the air.

Some palace people have seen ancient picture albums, and immediately recognized that this is the legendary unicorn beast, while the other three are no less than the unicorn, and they look like leopards, but they have four dragon claws. Bi An mythical beast.

Hunyuan Continent ushered in the real main god for the first time. After humans had seen the main god, the demeanor of the legendary Lord Tongtian, after knowing that the legendary Lingbao Tianzun turned out to be Miss Ling's own father, after meeting the Phoenix of the Phoenix clan, After the king, after knowing that the former lord Fengqing was just a guard of the Feng clan who had experienced in the mortal world to protect the prince Feng Yun of the Feng clan, which short-sighted remnant of Zhongzhou would dare to have the slightest heart of disobedience?
Ling Tian and Feng Yun are going back, Hua Lixiao, Ye Chuchen, Gu Junyan and Mu Hun are also going back, and the entire Hunyuan Continent lost its backbone in an instant.

Fengyun's four major guards, Feilong, Feiyang, Feichen and Feiyu, naturally wanted to follow Fengyun back to the Feng clan.

However, Fei Chen, one of the four major guards of the Wannian Bachelor, now has a fiancée Bai Minyao, and Bai Minyao is not yet in the immortal class, so Feng Yun keeps Fei Chen to accompany Bai Minyao until she ascends to immortality.

Feichen is of course very happy to be able to accompany the beautiful woman without going back to perform the mission.

But extreme joy begets sorrow, and all the management rights of the entire Hunyuan Continent fell on Feichen's head, directly smashing him to pieces.

Then, under the treacherous scheme of his fiancée, Feichen used helping everyone to become immortals as a bait, let Yao Yuanshuang continue to manage Beizhou, let Ling Jian manage Dongzhou, let Mo Weiyan manage Xizhou, let the old lady who used to be Dongzhou Fu Yuli Chan managed Nanzhou.Quan Moying and the three Long brothers, as Ling Tian's mounts, must have followed Ling Tian back to the Heavenly Court. The dragons in the Netherworld had no leader, so Xu Yi and Axiang, who could not ascend to immortality, were allowed to manage the Netherworld.

The administrative region of the Central Continent was abolished, and the entire continent was only divided into four directions: east, west, north, and west.

These four great emperors have all the rights to deal with the affairs of the continent by themselves.

Unless there is a war in the four continents, don't look for him if you have nothing to do.

It is clearly an unequal contract, but in order to become a fairy, the emperors of the four continents have worked hard, and they all want to do better than the other continents.

Especially Beizhou's Yao Yuanshuang.

Back then, when he saw that his son could have a Transformer like Ling Tian and the others, his eyes turned red with envy.

After the war ended, Yao Yuanshuang asked his son to give her the Transformer several times, but his son refused to do it.

Then one day, his son finally gave her the Transformers and taught her how to use them.

(End of this chapter)

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