Chapter 1478
"I saw the deep relationship between you and Dongzhou Great Emperor Ling Xiao, I saw Dongzhou encountering monsters, I saw you fighting bloody battles, and in the end all 100 million Dongzhou soldiers died tragically on the battlefield.

After that, I also saw you reborn.Don't be sad, don't you want revenge?It should be easier to avenge the revenge of being reborn on the son of the enemy.

I am optimistic about you, come on, come on, come on! ! ! "

Nuan Nuan said "Come on" three times in a row, and Feng Yun was immediately dumbfounded.

He is indeed born again.

His original name was Feng Yun, he was the adoptive son of Ling Xiao, the great emperor of Dongzhou, and he was also a general under Ling Xiao's command.Now that he died in battle and was reborn, he became the seventeenth son of Emperor Qianzhong, the emperor of Zhongzhou, Emperor Wushang.

But he didn't tell anyone about this kind of thing, and he was reborn just now, his wounds healed just now, and today was the first time he went out, how could the girl in front of him know?

"You said you saw me reborn?" Feng Yun asked in disbelief.

Can it be seen by people when they are reborn?
"En." Nuan Nuan nodded obediently.

"Who are you? Why can you see me reborn?"

Nuan Nuan: "I...I..."

At this time, Nuan Nuan realized that the secret must not be leaked. If she leaked the secret, Uncle Fengyun's future would be different.

During the struggle, a pleasant voice sounded: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."

After hearing this voice, the tangled Nuan Nuan immediately stood up with a smile on her face, turned around the empty room, and yelled: "Brother Chiyang!"


The moment Chi Yang appeared in the room and saw Nuan Nuan growing into a big girl, his already excited eyes turned into waves.

What a nice view!

He had imagined what Nuan Nuan would look like when he grew up countless times, but he never imagined it would be like this.

Although her appearance was more inherited from her father, and a small part was inherited from her mother, the feeling she gave was absolutely unique.

Her whole body carries a kind of warmth that wants to be approached and trusted, a kind of tenderness that makes people feel at ease at a glance, a kind of faintly careless arrogance, and a flash of gorgeousness when the flames burst into flames. .

This kind of Nuan Nuan made Chi Yang stare blankly at him for a long time, until when Nuan Nuan saw him, she hung her whole body around his neck and rubbed her face against him like a cat. Only then did Chi Yang recover from the shock.

"Brother Chiyang, I miss you so much! I knew we were so good, you would definitely find me! I was swept away by the storm for so long, do you miss me?"

Seeing that there are outsiders still leaning on him directly, like a rib on his body, Nuan Nuan that can't be broken apart, Chi Yang can only smile wryly.

"I want to, I really want to. You almost scared me to death. It's okay."

Nuannuan laughed loudly: "Brother Chiyang, usually you always say that I don't study hard, but I used various methods taught by my teacher in the storm to avoid the storm. Although I was blown far away, but I'm not injured at all. How about it, am I amazing?"

Nuan Nuan has been hanging on Chi Yang's body since she saw him, and she has no intention of getting off him at all.

Feng Yun on the side was already dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

According to his usual temper, he should tell these two people who showed affection in front of him to leave, but just now that weird feeling came out again.

(End of this chapter)

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