Chapter 148

Now when my reputation is ruined and it seems that I have to marry him, he not only kicked me away, but also wanted to kill me in order to gain favor with you.

Such a vicious scumbag, is there anything he can't do?Now he doesn't like me, and wants you to teach me a lesson, but he did such a nasty thing as self-mutilation, I am also hehe.I have nothing to say about him. "

"Fuck, it turned out to be like this! This Ouyang Yu is really disgusting."

"That's right, you can even do things like self-mutilation in order to blame Miss Ling Tian. What a white-eyed wolf!"

"Hehe, self-mutilation is a fart. You have the ability to go to the palace!"

"This kind of person, if the emperor gives him the position of chief eunuch, see if he dares to leave the palace!"


Ouyang Yu's face turned red and purple with anger, and finally, under the contempt of the common people, she finally couldn't help spurting out a big mouthful of blood.


Princess Mingyue can't care if it's in front of the people, whether it's bad to call it like this.Quickly knelt on the ground to give him comfort.

Ouyang Yu stopped Princess Mingyue from moving, and slowly got up from the ground.

"Yulang, are you alright?" Princess Mingyue almost shed tears.

"I'm fine." Ouyang Yu shook his head weakly.

He was handsome by nature, and with his tall and slender figure, he was truly a rare handsome man.Otherwise, he wouldn't have been obsessed with Ling Tian before.

At this moment, Ouyang Yu was spitting blood from Ling Tian's mouth, which instantly attracted some nympho women among the common people to look down on her.

Just when the direction of public opinion began to change with a group of nympho women, a large group of people who came to the capital with the Ling family army instantly suppressed the slight bias that had just arisen with a more tyrannical direction of public opinion.

"Ouch, he acted like he was hurt and unyielding again to make women feel sorry for him! He has to do this hurtful look a hundred times a year!"

"It's just a disgusting little boy!"

"It's really disgusting! I've watched him like this for ten times. Every time, I trick other women around, make them feel sorry for him, and then say Miss Ling is wrong."

"I think he is so annoying, he shouldn't be a general at all. He should be a servant and sit in the town by himself. He will definitely attract many girls and young women to come to have fun!"

"Shut up! You untouchables, shut up!"

Seeing that Ouyang Yu was so painful that she almost fainted and her whole body was shaking, Princess Mingyue was so distressed that she couldn't help but yelled.

"Mingyue!" Mo Chengye yelled loudly: "The people are the foundation of the dynasty. How can you, a majestic princess, swear indiscriminately? Why don't you go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors!"

Mo Xinran is afraid of Mo Chengye.After being yelled at by him like this, his whole body trembled with fright, and only now did he realize that he had just been fooled by Ling Tian out of nowhere.

She has been a good princess who has been sought after by the people for so many years, but she was ruined by Ling Tian just by meeting her today.

Looking at the hatred, contempt, and joking eyes of the people, Mo Xinran knew that his image had been completely ruined.

The hatred in my heart was overwhelming, but there was nothing I could do.

He could only stomp his feet, get on his horse, and ride away.

Even though she was very reluctant to let go of Ouyang Yu, at this moment, she did not dare to be so stupid as to help Ouyang Yu leave.

After Mo Xinran left, Mo Chengye clasped his fists to Ling Tian and Ling Jian and said, "Mingyue is young, and she is doted on by her mother on weekdays. Sometimes she speaks inappropriately. Please don't take Miss Ling and General Ling seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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