Chapter 1482
A little fluffy head lifted up from his chest a little bit, exposing a small gap in the face, just showing a pair of watery peach blossom eyes, and asked pitifully: "I can't do it when I grow up." Hug?"

Before Chi Yang could answer, Nuan Nuan cried out with a deflated "Wow": "Then I don't want to grow up! I don't want to grow tall either! You don't want me to eat this and that to coax me to grow up." Gao, I want to be a happy little dwarf, so that brother Chiyang will always hug me, and will always like me. Wuwuwu..."

Seeing Nuan Nuan crying loudly, Chi Yang was dumbfounded.

In the past five years, from Nuan Nuan's birth to now, it was the first time he watched Nuan Nuan cry like this.

No matter how much she was wronged on weekdays, she would not let herself cry like this.His house is warm and has always been a lady like a kitten.

So suddenly seeing Nuan Nuan crying like this frightened Chi Yang, and quickly comforted him: "Nuan Nuan, what's the matter? Why did you suddenly cry like this? Didn't you say that you won't hug when you grow up? If you grow older, you can be hugged, and brother Chiyang also likes Nuannuan. Whether Nuannuan is a child or grown up, brother Chiyang will like it."

"You lied to me! I just grew up and you stopped hugging me. You think I'm too big to be hugged. Woooooo..."

Chi Yang: ...=_=! !
Explanations are useless, and Nuannuan has completely entered the shameless mode at this moment.

Chi Yang could only directly hug her princess, wrap her tightly in his arms, and then stopped persuading her, but just looked at her helplessly.

He never likes to explain things to people, so he always doesn't explain well.He has tried his best to explain to Nuan Nuan.

So instead of explaining, it is better to act directly.Explaining something is sometimes too pale.

After waiting for a long time, someone finally hugged me.Nuan Nuan saw that the request was fulfilled, although this kind of hug was not her usual hug, but for the sake of hugs, she stopped crying after a while.

Seeing that she stopped crying, Chi Yang said: "See? When you grow up, I can still hold you like this. So you have to eat well and grow taller. When you grow up, you will not only become what you are now You can still have a princess hug for your little beauty. Do you know why this is called a princess hug? Because only when you grow up to be a truly beautiful princess can you enjoy this kind of hug! Nuan Nuan, no matter how old you are, Brother Chiyang is your favorite your."

Nuan Nuan tilted her head and looked at Chi Yang.

From her point of view, she can see the stars in the vast sky without looking up.

Below the stars is Chi Yang's brother's head.

"Brother Chiyang."


"I think your face is more beautiful than the stars!"

Chi Yang's heart moved slightly, and the corners of his lips raised: "Really?"

"Yeah." Nuan Nuan nodded.

"Brother Chiyang, does the moon look good?"

"Yes, I have."

"Would it be nice to have rivers and streams?"

"Yes, I have."

"Is there a sea of ​​flowers?"

"Yes, I have."

"Hehe, you're lying."

"I'm the most obedient, I don't lie."

The corners of Chi Yang's lips curled up, and he was very satisfied with Nuan Nuan's answer, but he still asked arrogantly: "In Nuan Nuan's heart, Chi Yang's brother is prettier than these, could it be that in Nuan Nuan's heart, Chi Yang's brother is the world's The best-looking one in the world? That’s impossible! How about you tell me, what’s prettier than Brother Chiyang?”

(End of this chapter)

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