Chapter 1493
He is not familiar with Lu Xiaoxiao, he only heard that she was the chief disciple of Zhan Xintang, the prince of the Dragon Clan, in the mortal world.

A woman upgraded from the mortal world, no matter how strong she is, cannot be lifted up in the eyes of the immortals.

If it wasn't for being favored by the Antarctic Emperor and becoming the Queen of the Antarctic Heaven, no one would take care of such a woman in the Heavenly Court.

But it was such a woman who actually let him die like a god in front of so many people.

Wen Yuan thought he heard it wrong, but Lu Xiaoxiao repeated again: "What? Didn't hear clearly? Since you said let us deal with it, then you go to die! Or, what Dean Wen said just now is just to deal with it at will. Just talking casually?"

After finishing speaking, a mocking smile rose on the corner of Lu Xiaoxiao's lips.

"You..." Wen Yuan's face turned blue and red at Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and finally he could only say: "Fairy Lu, you are now the Queen of the South Pole, and you are also a person who enjoys a very high status in this heaven. You just came down." Officials see that the soldiers of the Antarctic Heaven have withdrawn their troops, and they must have found Nuan Nuan, since Nuan Nuan is fine, why should the Antarctic Queen be so unreasonable?"

"No wonder your daughter has a vicious mind at such a young age, and she is inheriting her father's career for a long time! Just because she is not as good-looking as Nuan Nuan, she is not as popular as Nuan Nuan in class, and the selected class flower is Nuan Nuan instead of her." , she will put Nuan Nuan to death.

And you, as her father, the first thing you do is not to educate your daughter, but to pretend to come to us to plead guilty.What else is at our disposal.But we just said an opinion on how to deal with it, and you immediately jumped up and said that we have to be reasonable.

Dean Wen is so good at using idioms, I would like to ask, how can we be unforgiving?Didn't you let us dispose of it? "

"Godmother, what kind of talk are you wasting with such a person?"

Chi Yang's voice suddenly appeared, instantly attracting everyone's attention to the entrance of the main hall.

Nangong Jin and Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the woman who was sleeping in Chi Yang's arms. She had long hair like waterfalls, winking eyes like silk, and under the bridge of her pretty small nose, she was still blowing bubbles with her cherry red lips. .

There is no need to guess, Nangong Jin and Lu Xiaoxiao can tell at a glance that this is their little princess, Nuan Nuan!

Lu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded for as long as Nangong Jin, and hurried to Nuan Nuan's side.

"What happened to Nuannuan? How did it become like this?"

Feng Yun, who was behind Chi Yang, was a little embarrassed, and told about the fact that he accidentally poured wine on Nuan Nuan.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't know she was just a five-year-old girl, and she caused you trouble."

Lu Xiaoxiao waved her hand, and took Nuannuan from Chiyang's arms distressedly: "It's not your fault, after all, you don't know."

Chiyang watched Nuannuan helplessly as his own godmother took over, and his bosom, which was originally full, became empty in an instant.It was as if a piece of his heart was missing.

Nangong Jin saw that she hadn't taken care of herself enough, her body had grown up warmly, and her eyes were filled with uncontrollable distress and anger.

"Xiaoxiao, take Nuan Nuan back to sleep first, I'll deal with it here."

Teaching this to her husband, she really has nothing to worry about.Although Nangong Jin didn't say a word from the beginning to the end just now, but compared to being ruthless, Nangong Jin is much more ruthless than him, whether it is her mouth or her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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