Chapter 1497
So at this moment, when Chiyang was punishing Wen Yuan, Wen Wan's heart was suddenly filled with turmoil, and a bold idea was initially formed in her mind.

That idiot Nangong Nuannuan, what qualifications does she have to be the fiancee of such an outstanding man as Chiyang?

She was just born better than her.

But in terms of appearance, her gentle appearance is no worse than Nangong Nuannuan's appearance.

If Chiyang can even fall in love with a fool like Nangong Nuannuan, then in time, he will definitely be able to fall in love with himself.

If she can escape this catastrophe, she will definitely try her best to pursue Chiyang in the future.

When Chiyang becomes her fiancé, if she steps Nangong Nuannuan on the ground, no one will dare to treat her like today.

Seeing Wen Wan looking at Chi Yang, everyone thought she was frightened and stupid, but Chi Yan, who could read people's thoughts, raised her eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but want to reach out her sinful hand and open her skull to see See how the structure inside is different from normal people.

When Chi Yang put away the magic mirror, Wen Yuan's 10 years of painstaking efforts to exchange for immortality had been in vain.

"Now, your strength has just reached the level of Sanxian who is promoted to immortality. From today on, you will be active in Tianwaitian. The immortal class cannot tolerate people like you. As for Jiaozi Academy, there are people like you Vice-principal, this young master is worried. As for your daughter..."

Wen Yuan's body is already quite weak at this moment, and his whole body is almost transparent.

Seeing Chi Yang looking at Wen Wan, Wen Yuan hurriedly lay down at his feet and begged for mercy: "Young Master Chi Yang, please! She is just a child, she doesn't understand anything! Now my 70-year spiritual power is lost like this. It’s no different from a useless person, killing people is nothing more than nodding, I have already become like this, you have a lot of adults, please forgive Wen Wan!”

When Wen Wan heard this, her father's 70-year skill was gone, and he would definitely not be able to be the vice president in the future, and her entire face turned pale again.

Finally, Wen Wan kowtowed.

"Brother Chiyang, please let me go, I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it! I was just joking. I didn't want to really hurt Nuan Nuan, I just wanted to scare her That's all."

"You turned her space storm to the maximum, just to scare her? That's all?"

Chi Yang's handsome face is close to Wen Wan's, and it expands infinitely in Wen Wan's pupils.

Although she was only five years old, she spent a lot of time with her father in the lower world.After a few years in the mortal world, only a few days pass in the fairy world.

Therefore, Wen Wan's inner age has already exceeded the level that a five-year-old child should have.

At this moment, she only felt that her heart was pounding.

Such a 360-degree man with no dead ends turned out to be the fiancé of that idiot Nangong Nuannuan?

At this moment, Wen Wan felt that God was full of malice towards her.

"Brother Chiyang, Nuan Nuan and I were good friends in class before. It's just because I had a little bit of trouble with her recently, and Gun Gun has always liked Nuan Nuan, so Nuan Nuan and him are not clear. They always appear in front of me as childhood sweethearts, especially as soon as Nuan Nuan conflicts with me, Gun Gun will come to help Nuan Nuan to avenge him. I got angry with Gun Gun a few times, and then I was so angry that I started a space storm. Do you believe Me, I really just wanted to scare her, she is the little princess of Antarctic Sky, and she is backed by the overlord of Gun Gun's class, how dare I really hurt her?"

(End of this chapter)

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