151 Threat
With the same sense of relief as him, there is also Uncle Ling Jian who is fortunate to be standing beside Ling Tian at this moment.

In the inner hall, a man in a bright yellow imperial robe was sitting upright. When he looked at Ling Jian, Ling Tian clearly saw his eyes light up slightly.

Ling Tian raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ling Jian.Although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't ask them at this time.

Because her gaze has been attracted by a large group of people standing on the other side.

Several of these people turned out to be her acquaintances.

At this moment, the other party was staring at her fiercely, as if they had a sworn hatred with her.

"Huh?" Ling Jian sensed the murderous intent these people had bet on his young lady, and cast a gloomy glance at her.

The strong pressure made the opponent slightly startled.

"Hmph!" Ling Jian snorted coldly, giving these people a blow.

Ling Tian nodded slightly to the emperor: "See the emperor."

Ling Jian also stood and clasped his fists and said: "See the emperor."

"Bold, why don't you kneel down when you see my royal father? Since you own [-] Ling family troops, can you ignore the imperial power?"

A man scolded on the spot.

Ling Tian looked over and saw that this person was somewhat similar to Mo Chengtian and Mo Chengye. Except for the pretentious Fifth Prince Mo Chengjing he met in Shili Pavilion, the person who yelled at her should be the emperor's fourth son One of the third princes, Mo Chengxian, is now a virtuous king.

Just about to call the other party an idiot, a majestic voice sounded at this moment.

"Presumptuous! Do you have a place to speak here?"

"Father!" Mo Chengxian looked at the emperor in disbelief, eyes full of unwillingness.

"The Lord Protector is a great hero of our Mo country. His daughter is granted special treatment in Mo country by my permission. There is no need to salute anyone in the royal family. This is also my will back then. So, are you questioning me?"

Mo Chengxian's face turned red and then pale, and finally said unwillingly: "I dare not."

Seeing the emperor's strong defense of the Ling family, Ling Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and then he looked at Ling Jian again. Seeing the calm expression on his face, he seemed to understand something in his heart.

Then he looked at Mo Chengxian and smiled instantly.

Ling Tian's smile was undoubtedly dazzling to Mo Chengxian.

This woman, is she provoking his majesty?
"Father, even if she doesn't have to kneel down and salute in front of you, we, the Mo Kingdom, must come up with an explanation for the heinous crime she committed?"

"That's right! Emperor Mo, although you are the king of a country, my Baiyun Sect is not under your jurisdiction. Now that the only heir of my Baiyun Sect has died at the hands of Ling Tian, ​​if you don't come up with an explanation , I'm afraid it's not easy for us to explain to the suzerain and his old man!"

"That's right! Now that we have sent a letter to the sect, it is estimated that the suzerain and his old man will arrive in the Mo country in a few days. If you don't hand over Ling Tian's body by then, then the Mo country will provoke trouble. How our suzerain will fight with the country of Mo in the future is beyond our control!"

After Mo Chengxian, two disciples of Baiyunzong also uttered threats one after another, which made Emperor Mo, who was above the high position, look very ugly.

And these Baiyunzong disciples were the ones who came to find fault with Qi Weiwei in Hengyang City that day.But for some unknown reason at the time, when she was beating the intruder pretending to be in white, this group of people didn't come out to help.

(End of this chapter)

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