My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 160 Childish Ghost

Chapter 160 Childish Ghost


It was clear that he didn't pinch hard, but Di Wushang hissed, and asked with some grievance: "Little Tian'er, why did you pinch me?"

Ling Tian: ( ̄▽ ̄)! !
No, I'm afraid Mo Chengtian will find out.

Di Wushang put his face close to Ling Tian's ear, and didn't mind at all that Mo Chengtian was staring at him eagerly at the moment, and asked aggrievedly: "Don't Xiao Tian'er think I'm very powerful?"


At this moment, Ling Tian's first reaction is whether this phoenix has reached the fa/estrus period?
I just hope that Mo Chengtian won't hate him and go to complain to Uncle Ling.

"Ahem, let's go, I'm going to that store in the capital to eat candied haws."

Looking at Ling Tian who was walking ahead alone with a blushing face, Di Wushang's lips curled into a monstrous smile.But being seen by Mo Chengtian, he couldn't help but shudder.

Such an ordinary appearance could not hold back such a smile at all.So Di Wushang's smile fell into Mo Chengtian's eyes, it was extremely strange.

To fall in love with such a man, Ling Tian really has a strong taste.

At this moment, Mo Chengtian consciously put the matter of Di Wushang's change of appearance behind him.He would rather believe that this is Di Wushang's real face.

Ling Tian brought Di Wushang to the candied haws shop that she used to love to go to when she was a child.

In the past 11 years, the store has been completely renovated, and the only thing that remains the same is the various flavors of candied haws in the store.

Fei Yu bought two strings, handed one to Ling Tian, ​​and then gave another to Mo Chengtian.

Because this is the master's confession.

Mo Chengtian originally didn't like sour candied haws at all, and he didn't even want to eat the candied haws that Di Wushang paid for, but seeing that Ling Tian also had a bunch in his hand, he took it by accident.

One bunch of candied haws per person, this feeling is very good.

The corner of Mo Chengtian's lips could not help but raise a smile, and his impression of Di Wushang became a little better.

Bite off one and wrap it in your mouth.

He is usually most afraid of sour, but at this moment he suddenly feels that candied haws are sweet.


The next moment, when he saw Di Wushang holding Ling Tian's hand, then opened his mouth, biting a piece of the candied haws in Ling Tian's hand and stuffing it into his mouth, the candied haws in his mouth suddenly became extremely sour. .

He wanted to vomit, but he just spit out what he had already eaten, and the etiquette that had penetrated into his bones did not allow him to do so.

"Is it delicious?" Ling Tian didn't think there was anything wrong with Di Wushang's doing so, and looked at him with a smile.

The pampering in Di Wushang's eyes was almost overflowing, he rubbed Ling Tian's head, and nodded: "It's delicious."

After Ling Tian bit off one, he naturally extended the bamboo stick in his hand to Di Wushang's mouth.Di Wushang bit another one, not to mention the enjoyment on his face, and looked at Mo Chengtian from time to time, who had been bulging in his mouth since he wrapped one, and he didn't even bite, his heart was even sweeter. like honey.

Seeing the stupid look on Mo Chengtian's mouth, Di Wushang couldn't help being happy.

It is almost conceivable how sour the candied haws in his mouth are.

Ling Tian watched Di Wushang show his affection in front of Mo Chengtian intentionally or unintentionally, and cursed silently in his heart: Childish ghost!

But whenever Di Wushang held her hand and wanted to eat the candied haws in her hand, she still cooperated very well.

She already felt Mo Chengtian's affection for her, and she also hoped that what she did would make him dispel his thoughts earlier.

Until Ling Tian and Di Wushang finished eating the candied haws in one bite, Mo Chengtian couldn't finish one.

 Happy Children's Day, babies!May you always be a happy baby!

(End of this chapter)

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