Chapter 174

Could it be said that this fierce ghost in front of him is a ghost with extremely advanced morals?Stronger than her master?

He took out a more powerful spell that the master had given her from his bosom, and slapped it on the bell, Yan Yuhan began to circle around a group of disciples of the Qijuezong in a clockwise direction.

With the blessing of the spell in Yan Yuhan's mouth, the charm on the bell began to flash a faint golden color, which made the people who had been irritable and called them charlatans slightly less.

Suddenly, Yan Yuhan yelled loudly, and the 12 Qijuezong disciples scattered one after another, and a spell with golden light was pasted on Ling Tian's head very quickly.

Fortunately, Ling Tian calmed down the two men behind with his secret voice in advance, otherwise Ling Jian and Di Wushang must have gone berserk by now.

The common people opened their eyes wide one after another, wanting to see if there really was a ghost appearing.

However, the golden color of the talisman had completely dimmed, and Ling Tian was still standing there.

"By the way, how long will it take for this spell to prove that I'm not a ghost?"


Looking at Ling Tian's lively and cute appearance, he even pouted and blew on the paper talisman. How could he look like a ghost?She is clearly a normal girl with a childlike innocence!

"When will she show her original shape?" Seeing more and more people sighing, Princess Mingyue asked with a dark face.

"No way! How is it possible? How is this possible? It's impossible!" Yan Yuhan looked at Ling Tian, ​​as if he had been greatly shocked, and muttered to himself, ignoring his complexion, which turned extremely ugly in an instant Mo Xinran.

"Ah, big sister, how long will it take to stick it on? If you stick it on your forehead like this, it will block your sight!"


Finally, someone among the people couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

Immediately afterwards, the Yan family and Princess Mingyue greeted the laughter of tens of thousands of onlookers.

"Disgraceful!" Mo Huang yelled.

"Your Majesty, can I take off the thing on my forehead?" Ling Tian asked pitifully.

"Tian'er, if I were you, I would have taken it off a long time ago!"

"Look at the emperor's attitude towards Miss Ling!"

"Yes! The emperor's love for Miss Ling comes from the heart. Those people even said that Miss Ling poisoned the emperor, so that the emperor had to treat her well."

"You can believe what Princess Mingyue says! I heard that Princess Mingyue cheated on Miss Ling's fiancé, so I have a grudge against Miss Ling."

"You're talking about Ouyang Yu, right? That little boy who vomits blood 20 times a year? I can only say...they really match each other!"

Just when Mo Xinran heard this, Ling Tian asked again: "Your Majesty, now that I've been proven not to be a ghost, can this prove that this woman is a charlatan and can be dealt with by me? "

"Of course!"

"and many more!"

When Yan Yuhan heard that the emperor was going to hand her over to Ling Tian, ​​he was taken aback. He didn't care if he had discussed what he would present at the crown prince's birthday banquet, so he quickly said, "I have one more thing. It can be proved that this Ling Tian is a counterfeit!"

Mo Huang frowned displeasedly: "What?"

Mo Xinran wanted to stop Yan Yuhan, but Yan Yuhan had already spoken, and Mo Xinran could only say, "Father, you don't know. When Ling Tian died, he came to look for his son."

(End of this chapter)

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