Chapter 186
There was still an hour before the dinner party started, after Ling Tian came out of the emperor's bedroom, he found a spacious and deserted place to put Xiao Bai down in the garden to bask in the sun.

Although Xiaobai is a monster, but because he is a little milk tiger, he is a little skinny.As soon as Ling Tian put it down, it started chasing butterflies like a merry-go-round.

While chasing, he also screamed loudly, scaring a group of butterflies away.

Xiaobai pouted his buttocks, looked at the target, then flew up, and went straight to the butterfly, but because the strong wind on his body was too strong, the butterfly was blown away by the strong wind before he could get close to the butterfly .Xiaobai rushed straight to the target, but saw the butterfly was blown away. With a sound of "owoo", it fell directly to the ground from a high place, splashing a lot of soil.

After a while, a little white fur ball turned into a dirty gray fur ball.

Ling Tian was amused by Xiao Bai's silly appearance, watched the little fool fluttering butterflies for a while, and then ignored him.

Sitting side by side with Di Wushang on the grass, looking at the calm lake, the sun was setting and the lake was sparkling.

"Di Wushang, when the period of the dynasty is over, I want to go out to practice. By the way, I also want to find my friends."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." Di Wushang responded without saying a word.

Ling Tian looked at Di Wushang: "Don't you have anything to do yourself?"

"Yes, but it can be taken care of. I will accompany you while dealing with things."

A hint of cunning flashed in Ling Tian's eyes: "I can accompany you! Before I confirm the location of my friend, I can accompany you to your place. In this way, we can take care of both."

Di Wushang smiled slightly and rubbed Ling Tian's head: "The place where I am is far away, and it is a place that eats people without spit out bones, so I don't plan to take you there until your strength improves. .”

Ling Tian's brows twitched slightly: "You have also seen the speed of my cultivation, so you can't go at this speed?"

"En." On this matter, Di Wushang and Ling Tian had absolutely no room for discussion.

"There's one more thing we have to say up front."

"What's the matter?" Ling Tian asked a little depressed.

"After you confirm the location of your friend, if your strength is not up to the requirements of your friend's area, I will not take you to find them. So Xiaotian, you have to work hard. When will I go home , when you can meet your friends, it's all up to you."

Seeing Ling Tian stunned, Di Wushang continued to smile and said: "I hope your speed will not be too slow, so slow that when I go back, even the dowry gift I prepared will be taken away by those bad guys."

Ling Tian Petrochemical: "What dowry?"

"Of course it's a dowry gift to marry you." Di Wushang showed a captivating smile: "Little Tian'er, all my wealth is earned for you, you have to work hard, don't let me pay all the wealth I earned. It's flowing east."

Ling Tian was also not polite to Di Wushang, and asked with a smile: "May I ask what you gave me as a betrothal gift?"

Ling Tian's words made Di Wushang laugh.

Can't this little guy have a little bit of reserve that other girls should have?
"You can tell me what you want, and then I will answer you, is there any in my dowry."

Ling Tian raised a wicked smirk, looked at Di Wushang and asked, "Is there a country?"

(End of this chapter)

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