My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 192 Give you an explanation

Chapter 192 Give you an explanation
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"Of course I'm not qualified! Why do you teach her a lesson?"

Everyone is silent.

It seems the rumors are true.The emperor really treats Miss Ling differently.

"Your majesty, do you really want to disregard our 27-year relationship between husband and wife for Ling Tian?"

Emperor Mo glanced at the empress who was about to cry, and said indifferently: "I only know that since I met the empress, the empress has used the influence of the Yan family to oppress me, but I don't know when will I still have feelings for the empress?"


The ministers watching from the side hurriedly lowered their heads, staring at their noses and hearts, pretending they didn't hear.

Ling Tian touched his nose, and looked at the empress whose face was swollen from the beating with some pity.

"Your Majesty, there is no escape from the word of reason. This Ling Tian has committed many crimes. Could it be that the Emperor would rather let the world laugh at him than protect this ruthless and ruthless murderer?"

Seeing that the queen was about to explode, Yan Siqing uttered a voice to suppress the queen's fury, and began to reason with Mo Huang.

"That's right, royal father, now that the ministers and family members have seen Ling Tian's cruelty, if she is allowed to do evil in the palace like this, what face will our royal family have?" Fifth prince Mo Chengjing also spoke for Yan family.

"Ten days ago, the head of the Yan family brought more than 30 experts of the Yan family to the Duke Huguo's mansion to find fault, saying that Ling Tian had lost their son Yan Shouxin, so he wanted to sacrifice Ling Tian's life. It is ridiculous that Yan Shouxin has been more than 20 years old. I'm old and I don't know Ling Tian yet, yet the Yan family bullied a weak woman by relying on the tree's deep roots. In the end, she was killed instead of murdered. Regarding this matter, I only have two words: deserve it!"

Crowd: ...

"As for Ling Tian killing Yan Yuhan, it was because Yan Yuhan slandered Ling Tian as a fierce ghost, and said in front of me that if he could not produce evidence that Ling Tian was a fierce ghost, he would voluntarily hand it over to Ling Tian. As a result Not only could she not prove that Ling Tian was a ghost, but she forged a suicide note that Ling Tian wanted to send the Ling family army to Ouyang Yu.

It's ridiculous!Lie Wei Aiqing thinks there are such stupid women in this world?Others are going to kill you, and you want Baba to give you all your belongings?Yan Yuhan thinks that by joining the Qijuezong, he can disregard the dynasty, and he can use strange powers to seriously injure and slander the first-rank lady of the dynasty at will?Marshal Yan, regarding your daughter's death, I only have two words: Deserve it! "

Yan Siqing's face was turned red and white by the emperor's anger.

But the imperial guards belonged to the emperor. Although he was a marshal, he had always been a polished commander.

Facing Emperor Mo's ridicule, he was speechless except to be angry.

"I have no way to teach my daughters, but I still ran in front of everyone to talk nonsense. Your ability to turn truth around really impresses me! If I hadn't been there that day and seen the shamelessness of your words, wouldn't Ling Tian be slandered by you? gone?"


Yan Siqing angrily interrupted the emperor's words, knelt down on one knee, gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I said that my family was wrong before, what about today? Killing is nothing but nodding. If she takes a fancy to that white tiger, with her The strength is as long as it is stolen, so why seriously injure the daughter of the last general? Please let the emperor explain this matter to the last general, otherwise the emperor's actions will chill the hearts of all the subordinates."

"Confession? Hehe, okay, then I will give you an explanation in front of all the ministers and family members today."

(End of this chapter)

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