My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 202 A Special Man

Chapter 202 A Special Man

The queen stood still in the hall, and the more than 20 strong men behind her also stood still.

These giants who usually walk sideways in the Hunyuan Continent are now lined up in a trapezoidal formation, and the visual impact on people has far surpassed that of Emperor Mo sitting on a high platform.

The queen sneered: "Mo Yanyun, since I dare to stand here today as your enemy, do you think I will still be afraid of your blame?"

"A son-in-law who killed the old man's two sons is no longer the old man's relative, but the old man's enemy!"

Standing behind the queen, the old man who was three points similar to the queen spoke.

This person is none other than the old head of the Yan family who has already stepped down from the position of the head of the Yan family and practiced in secluded cultivation with peace of mind.

Regarding the old Patriarch's words full of killing intent, Mo Huang smiled indifferently, and said angrily, "It's the best, after all, I have never regarded your Yan family as relatives."


The body of the old head of the Yan family trembled slightly from the anger.

He didn't expect that Emperor Mo not only killed his two sons, but also said such heartless words in front of him.For a moment, the old Patriarch was laughed angrily by Emperor Mo.

"Okay, okay!" The old Patriarch nodded again and again: "It seems that with General Ling Jian, the emperor is not afraid of anything. But do you think that no matter how powerful General Ling Jian is, he can compare with the masters of the three major forces? Do you think so? After many years of retreating and cultivating, the gate is not out, and the strength only stays at the seventh level?

Originally, the old man wanted to save face for you and let you pass the throne to Ye'er, so I let it go.I didn't expect you to be shameless. "

Emperor Mo snorted coldly: "For so many years, I have been giving way. Even after you killed my most beloved woman, you didn't kill the woman in front of me. But what did I get in exchange for my giving up? It's just that you made things worse."

"Mo Yanyun, I have seen shameless men before, but I have never seen a man as shameless as you. Since you love that bitch so much, why are there so many women in the harem? Why do you have so many princes? Don't Not to mention, you hate Bengong so much, why did you give birth to Princess Mingyue with Bengong?"

Faced with the queen's questioning, Emperor Mo suddenly burst out laughing, which made all the ministers present feel their scalps go numb.

Their emperor is actually quite a black-bellied person, and every time he makes such a laugh, it means someone is about to suffer.

"For the sake of the country, since I have already married you, a rat shit, to make me sick, what's the big deal about adding other things? In fact, there is one thing that has been in my heart for a long time. I have always wanted to treat you These people who thought they were noble said that they couldn’t find a chance. Since you have asked the question today, I will let you, Concubine Li, Concubine Hui, Prince Gong, and Prince Jing meet alone.”

After all, amid everyone's curiosity, Mo Huang clapped his hands twice, a man came out from behind, and knelt down in front of Mo Huang.

No way? !

Sitting in front of the first row, Ling Tian naturally saw this man with his head down, and felt a chill in his heart. His gaze towards the Queen, First Prince, and Fifth Prince was instantly filled with pity.

Your Majesty, you are too dark-bellied! ! !
"Look up, it's time for everyone to meet you."


The man knelt on the ground and raised his head.

(End of this chapter)

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