My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 208 We Are Forced

Chapter 208 We Are Forced
"Bitch! You killed me and dared to slander Miss Ling. I'll kill you! Dad, kill her for me! This bitch killed the baby! If you don't cut her into pieces, it will be hard to get rid of me!" Hatred in my heart!"

What Xu Yi and Chen Ke said put Xu Chongyang in a dilemma.

"Master Chen, you said that my son's soul is controlled by someone, how can you tell? Is there any way to untie it for me?"

"Hehe, it's easy."

After Chen Ke finished speaking, he drew a talisman from his bosom and handed it to Xu Chongyang: "Your son's brows are darker, but he is not a fierce ghost. It's just that he is too obsessed, and he has been wandering around the world and cannot be reincarnated. His soul is very weak. Once Being controlled, not only will the obsession change, but even the memory will be lost.

Sovereign Xu can ask your son some private questions and see if he can answer them.If so, it means he is not under control.If not, then stick this charm on his body to free him from bondage.This spell is only to release his soul shackles, it will not cause any harm to him, even if you stick it directly on him, it will be fine. "

Xu Chongyang took the talisman from Chen Ke and thanked him.

Xu Yi looked at Ling Tian anxiously, Ling Tian nodded and said, "The spell that Clan Master Chen gave you is indeed for releasing the shackles of the soul, and it will not cause any harm to you."

Xu Yi believed Ling Tian's words very much, nodded to Xu Chongyang and said, "Father, if you don't believe me, put the spell on me first. Then I will tell you what happened to me."

Xu Chongyang nodded, and stuck the spell on Xu Yi's body, and the spell disappeared instantly.

"Master Chen, is it alright?"

Chen Ke nodded: "Okay. But to be on the safe side, Sect Master Xu had better ask a few questions to see if Young Master Ling can answer."

Xu Chongyang nodded, and quietly asked Xu Yi a few things that only the father and son knew, but Xu Yi answered fluently.

Bloodthirsty killing intent shot out of Xu Chongyang's eyes instantly.

"So, it was really Qi Weiwei and the three of them who killed you?"

Xu Chongyang's words made the faces of Qi Weiwei and the three Baiyun Sect disciples who had recovered just now turned pale again.

"That's right, they did kill me." Xu Yi walked to Xu Chongyang's side, staring at Qi Weiwei with blood spurting out of his eyes.


Qi Weiwei was guilty at first, and with the way Xu Yi looked at her, in order to escape punishment, Qi Weiwei screamed and tried to run out of the hall, ran away, and never came back.



Unexpectedly, just after running a few steps, he was kicked back by an elder of the Baiyun Sect, hit the ground heavily, and let out a pig-killing scream.

Several elders of the Baiyun Sect immediately surrounded Qi Weiwei and the three Baiyun Sect disciples, not allowing anyone to escape.

When the three Baiyun Sect disciples saw that the situation was over, the timid one's legs gave way and he fell to his knees.She was so frightened that she shook her head vigorously and said, "It's not me, it's not me! It's Qi Weiwei, it's all that bitch! That bitch forced me to do it!"

Seeing that the other party had already recruited, the other two Baiyun Sect disciples quickly knelt down and kowtowed to admit their mistake.

"Sovereign, we didn't do it on purpose. It was Qi Weiwei who forced us to do this."

"Yes, suzerain, if we don't kill senior brother, Qi Shanhe will kill us!"

"Brother, we were wrong, please forgive us! We were really forced!"

 Sorry, fell asleep, the update is a bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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