My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 220 The Enmity That Kills My Father Is Invincible!

Chapter 220 The Enmity That Kills My Father Is Invincible!

"Oh, I don't know who just said that he changed his surname? I don't know who said his surname is noble. Now, the Yan family no longer exists. When you go out in the future, people will still scold you It's a villain."

"Ling, God!"

Yan Chengye yelled angrily, took out a dagger from his waist, and sank it with a "whoosh" into the eyebrows of the man who had been kneeling beside Mo Huang, who was as loyal as a dog and indifferent to the things around him.

"Tsk tsk, an evil seed is an evil seed, after all, he is also my own biological father. Hey, King Jing, he killed your father, and the hatred of killing your father is irreconcilable, why don't you fight him hard?"

Mo Chengjing stared at Ling Tian, ​​and said with a sneer, "It really is a bitch with a mother but no mother, no wonder her mouth is so stinky."

When Ling Tian heard this, his eyes narrowed dangerously.Just as he was about to give this pretender a slap across the face, unexpectedly there was another muffled sound of slapping a watermelon.

The next moment, Mo Chengjing scolded Ling Tian because of his stinky mouth, and Ling Jian made him follow in the footsteps of the old head of the Yan family.

"Ah——Jing'er! My Jing'er! You, you killed my Jing'er!" Concubine Hui cried loudly, and finally said to Yan Chengye: "Your Majesty, kill this person quickly! Kill him!" this person!"

"Dare to speak ill of my young lady, die!"

At this point, Ling Jian will never give anyone any space.

At this moment, neither Yan Chengye nor the queen looked very good-looking.

Because they are not very good at martial arts, they only realized now that Ling Jian was able to slap the old head of the Yan family, who was a ninth-level spiritual master, with one palm standing so far away, and he could slap the old master of the Yan family who was sitting not far from them effortlessly. King Jing, does that mean that he can also slap himself to death?

"What? It's only now that you realize that your imperial guards are useless to us?" Ling Tian raised a bright smile, looking at Yan Chengye and the empress with livid faces.

"You... If you dare to do something, I will kill Mo Yanyun!"

"Hehe, you and that bastard are both dead, will the imperial guards still obey your orders?"

"You!! Ling Tian, ​​I ask myself that I have no grievances with you, why did you come to this muddy water?"

Tears fell from the queen's eyes, she seemed to have been wronged to the extreme.

"Empress, your question is a bit strange, right?! If your daughter and Ouyang Yu hadn't colluded and wanted to destroy me and occupy my Ling family army, I would have traveled thousands of miles from Weeping City to the capital?
If you hadn't invited me to your palace as a guest after you came to the capital, but secretly drugged me to make that man from the Yan family take the opportunity to plot against me, I would have let him go, and he still insisted If he wanted to intercept me in the middle of the lake, how could I kill him and make enemies with the Yan family?
If it wasn't for your daughter who led Miss Yan Yuhan from the Yan family to identify me as a ghost, and threatened that if she couldn't be identified, she would let me deal with it, and I would kill her?If I didn't kill her, would Yan Siqing have a reason to seek revenge from me?

If Yan Siqing doesn't take revenge on me, and Yan Sinian, head of the Yan family, doesn't take revenge on me, will the two of them die?Will it alarm the old head of your Yan family?
All of this is your own fault, no matter how wronged you cry, I can only give you two words - live, deserve it! "

The queen stared at Ling Tian with eyes wide open, but she found that she had no choice but to stare at Ling Tian now.

Because she could almost be sure that when she ordered the imperial guards to attack Mo Huang, Ling Jian would slap her head into a rotten watermelon without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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