My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 226 Ouyang Yu's Identity

Chapter 226 Ouyang Yu's Identity
However, the violent cough caused the four of them to be injured, and they screamed in pain for a while.

"Ling Tian, ​​you must die! You bitch, you must die!"

Ling Tian looked down at Ouyang Yu from above, stepped on his face, and said with a smile: "Will I die badly, anyway, you won't be able to see it. But before you die badly, I want to say, even if you If Chen Guo's army is coming, I, Mo Guo, will not be afraid either!"

After hearing Ling Tian's words, Ouyang Yu's eyes widened, wishing she could see through Ling Tian's body with her eyes.

"You...what did you say..." Ouyang Yu asked tremblingly.

"Actually, your surname is not Ouyang, but the eldest son of the Huguo Gongfu of the Chen State. Your father, the Huguogong surnamed Ou Mingyang, entered Qicheng 20 years ago, occupied many cities in the Mo country, and defeated Mo. The country couldn't hold its head up, and almost, the country of Mexico was completely annexed by the country of Chen in the war 20 years ago, and it became history.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the victory was about to be won, my Uncle Ling found out. Not only did he save the protector Ling Yuanyang who was seriously injured at that time, the two of them even went to the enemy camp of Chen Guo together and took your father's head.

Ou Yu, I used to think that you were just a little boy who relied on women to survive, but after I knew your identity, I have to say that you made me look up a few times. "

" do you know?"

At this moment, Ouyu's chest was heaving violently, so fragile that Ling Tian felt that as long as she said a few more words, this man would be pissed off by her.

"Because of ransacking the house!" Ling Tian said unhurriedly: "How many catties and taels does your family have, would I not know? But I confiscated a total of 8000 million taels of wealth from the Pei family. Even if I help your family , it’s impossible for your family to have so much wealth, right?”

Ling Jian also nodded, and said very proudly: "That's right, after the eldest lady searched Pei's house, she quietly told General Ben about her suspicions. Since then, General Ben has been sending people to secretly follow Pei Fenqiang's family.

Therefore, it is not a secret that Chen Guo led his troops to attack Weeping City of Mo Country while the General was taking the Ling Family Army back to the capital to report on his duties.Your Chen Guo army should have reached Weeping City by now, right? "

"Puff puff--"

Ou Yu was so angry that Ling Tian and Ling Jian said that he couldn't help but spit out countless mouthfuls of blood.His face turned purple again, and there was a hint of despair in his eyes.There was also a little more fear in the eyes looking at Ling Tian.

After despair, Ouyu's life began to disappear rapidly.The whole person also calmed down because the situation was gone.

"The Ling family's army has returned to Weeping City, right?" Ou Yu asked.

"That's right." Ling Jian said: "As long as I, Ling Jian, are around, Chen Guo's conspiracy will never succeed."

Ou Yu ignored Ling Jian, but looked at Ling Tian, ​​and said to Ling Tian with eyes that did not contain hatred:

"Ling Tian, ​​do you know that although you have been tricked by you, the current you is more beautiful and attractive than the previous you. If there is no unresolved hatred between us, I think, I will definitely love you sincerely. on you."

Ling Tian frowned: "I thank you for not falling in love with me, because if you fell in love with me, I would feel worse than eating a hundred flies in my mouth."

Ling Tian's words made Mo Chengtian, the prince beside Mo Huang, couldn't help but smile.

"I know you hate me, even hate me. Actually, why don't I?

(End of this chapter)

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