My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 239 Ring in Ring

Chapter 239 Ring in Ring

Seeing the soldier looking at her with worried eyes, Ling Tian ordered: "You go out first."

"Yes, thank you Miss for saving my life."

Although the soldier was very distressed that his young lady had to make alchemy six thousand times, but he was a soldier and he knew his duty.He shouldn't have asked, absolutely not.He shouldn't have said it, absolutely not.

After the soldiers left, Ling Tian arrived: "I don't need to refine so many pills. Actually, this kind of poison has not reached the level that requires refining pills. That's fine. No need for alchemy."

Di Wushang felt relieved when he heard that there was no need for alchemy.

"What about the medicinal materials? What medicinal materials are needed? I should have them here."

After all, Di Wushang took off his interspatial ring, took out another ring from it and handed it to Ling Tian.

Rings inside rings!For Di Wushang's trench, Ling Tian had already been mentally prepared, but when he saw the medicinal herbs in the space ring, he still couldn't help but gasped.

The huge space is full of medicinal herbs.

90.00% of the [-] herbs are the ones she can't even name now.She knows only a handful of herbal medicines that have been pressed at the bottom of the box.

After all, her first-rank alchemist was not learned by real talent, but obtained by relying on karma points.As long as it is the knowledge and alchemy skills that a first-rank alchemist should master, she knows it all.

In addition, she didn't know any herbs used to refine the second-level elixir.

And the few kinds of herbs at the bottom of the box in Di Wushang's space are all the best herbs for refining top-grade first-grade elixirs.To be more precise, it should be called Spirit Grass.

The spirit herbs were all used to press the bottom of the box. Although he didn't know other herbs, Ling Tian knew that these herbs must be more precious than these kinds of spirit herbs.

Returning the interspatial ring to Di Wushang, Ling Tian said embarrassingly, "The spirit grass in you is too precious, let's keep it for later when my alchemy level improves."

"Then are you sure you have enough spiritual herbs?"

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded: "It's definitely enough."

"Where did you find so many spiritual herbs?"

"It's not a spiritual herb, it's a medicinal herb. It's very cheap. I just need to exchange it with karma points. I have enough karma points now."

Ever since he went to the capital, Ling Tian found that his points were constantly increasing.

After the dust settled in the capital city, she had gained 10000 extra points.

After Ling Tian used the power of his soul to select enough medicinal materials in the space, he only spent a total of more than 3700 points.

Using 3700 points to save the people of Weeping City and her Ling family army, Ling Tian felt that it was worth it.

Looking at the mountains of various medicinal herbs piled up on the ground, Di Wushang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Little Tian'er, you must not tell anyone about your heaven-defying space. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will cause some strong people to fight for it."

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Didn't I just tell you? I wouldn't tell others, and even if I told them, they wouldn't be able to grab it."

When Di Wushang heard this, his worries just disappeared instantly, and at the same time, his mood was even more amazing.

His little princess's trust in him undoubtedly made him feel that the world is beautiful.

"So Xiao Tianer, as long as your karma points are enough, you can get any secrets of martial arts or alchemy or weapon refining in your space, and you can learn the Dzogchen in an instant?"

(End of this chapter)

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