My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 248 Are You Calling Me Cheap?

Chapter 248 Are You Calling Me Cheap?
Wing Eagle, who was so itchy by Ling Tian that he couldn't love him, finally couldn't help but yelled: "Itch!"

"Ah!!!" Ling Tian's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Di Wushang: " seems to have spoken just now!"

Di Wushang smiled and said: "Spirit beasts above the middle level not only have the wisdom comparable to human beings, but also can speak. If a monster like Xiaobai grows up, it can transform into a human in the future."

Ling Tian: ...! !

"Let's go, let's have an early lunch first. At noon today, the suzerain of the Qingming Sect will marry Princess Chen Guomengyao, and we have to attend the wedding."

Di Wushang's words quickly diverted Ling Tian from the difference in Yi Ying's ability to speak, and couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering.

attend a wedding? !
It's so evil to talk about smashing things so grandly!
Ling Tian chose a snack bar that is said to be the hottest in Chen Guo's capital.

All the dishes in this store are special dishes and special snacks from all over the country. Although there are two floors, because the price of this store is fairly reasonable, there are many diners, and there is no private room at all.

Although it was not yet noon at this time, most of the diners were still eating breakfast, but every table was full.

"Hey, I've taken a fancy to this position, you guys get the hell out of here immediately."

Ling Tian, ​​Di Wushang, and Xiao Qi sat at a small table, but not far from them, there was a large round table that could seat eight people, and there were a few unexpected guests at this moment.

A woman with a pretty face was followed by an old woman, followed by three young men, a group of five, standing aggressively beside the round table.

Sitting around the round table eating is a family, judging from their clothes, they should be rich people from Chen Guo.

"Is there a mistake? This woman must be from outside, right? She actually told Yuanwai Chen's family to leave."

"It must be. Otherwise, who would do such a stupid thing?"

"That's why young people nowadays are too impulsive and don't understand the truth in this world. If you kick the iron plate, you deserve it."

It turned out to be a member of the family.

Ling Tian glanced at the flamboyant woman, and the little gossip in his heart hoped to see this domineering woman being abused by this member for a while.

To be honest, what she dislikes the most is this kind of self-righteous person.

However, Chen Yuanwai is obviously a good person. After hearing the woman's words, he did not get angry, but said politely: "My girl, we should talk about everything first come first, first come first, right? I also waited in line for a quarter of an hour. It's in this position. Our breakfast hasn't been served yet, if I let you, where will our big family eat?"

"I don't care where you eat? In short, this girl has taken a fancy to this window seat, so you have to give it up!"

"I really don't know what to do!"

"This woman looks pretty good, why is she so cheap?"

"That's right! Yuanwai Chen is really the same as the rumors say, he's a nice person. If I were him, someone would have kicked her out a long time ago!"

The guests in the restaurant were full of emotion.

The woman was still looking at Chen Yuanwai, but after hearing what the guests said, she immediately turned her head and looked at the person who called her cheap.

"You, what did you say about Miss Ben just now?"

The guest was taken aback, and quickly buried himself in his meal.

"Miss Ben seems to have heard you call me cheap just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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