Chapter 251
"This vermicelli is hot, sour, and spicy. It's super delicious! Don't be angry with these flies. This is a fly restaurant. It's normal for a few flies to fly around. Come, you have a taste Try it, you won't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Tian inserted his chopsticks into the big bowl of vermicelli soup, then picked up the vermicelli and put it in Di Wushang's bowl.

Glancing at the bowl in front of him, Di Wushang's obsession with cleanliness exploded to the fullest at this moment.

"You gave me such a dirty thing to eat?"


Ling Tian was speechless, feeling that this phoenix is ​​so difficult to deal with!
Usually there are Feiyu around, but when they come to this kind of fly restaurant, they use their own bowls, but now that Feiyu is not there, does this man stop eating?

Looking at his arrogant look, who was starving to death and refused to eat, Ling Tian had no choice but to stuff another fan, and sucked it into his mouth.

Di Wushang narrowed his eyes slightly, and after all the fans were sucked into the red lips, he saw the right moment, reached out his hand to caress Ling Tian's head with lightning speed, then leaned slightly, lowered his head, and looked at the Ling Tian's pink lips attacked.

Ling Tian stared, his whole body froze, and his mind went blank.

While Di Wushang took advantage of the other party's loss of consciousness, he stuck his tongue in and rolled it lightly.

Di Wushang mercilessly ate all the hot and sour vermicelli that had just entered his mouth before he had time to chew.

The sour taste is accompanied by the spicy taste, and then accompanied by the sweet taste of Xiaotian'er, what Di Wushang eats is delicious!

The nausea caused by that feces-like woman just now has been completely suppressed by this delicious dish.

Seeing Di Wushang eat happily, Ling Tian opened his mouth stupidly.He never imagined that Di Wushang could do such insane things in public.

"That way it's not dirty."

Ling Tian: ...! ! !
Not far away, the woman heard every word of the interaction between Di Wushang and Ling Tian, ​​as well as what Ling Tian scolded her just now.

Now she was trembling with anger,

The woman's complexion changed, she stood up suddenly, and the chairs behind her fell to the ground with a "boom" because of her too much force.

"You have the guts to repeat what you just said! What are you scolding me for?"

Ling Tian glanced at the woman: "It seems that you are not only a fly, but also a retarded deaf fly!"

"Shame on your face! I think you are looking for death!" The woman's face was flushed with anger, and an irresistible killing intent burst out of her eyes.

Just when everyone was sweating for Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian sneered and said:
"I don't know who is the shameless person? With your stunted soybean sprout figure, you must be so crazy that you don't want a man to go straight to the street, right?
A woman with no figure like you should develop her spiritual beauty!You are fine, not only is your heart not beautiful, but you are also mentally retarded.Do you think you can snatch my man like this?
A bad brain is a disease!Seeing that your family conditions are also good, hurry up and buy six walnuts to nourish your brain, so as not to be embarrassing and disgusting to look at! "


The woman has never been scolded like this before.Although I don't know what six walnuts are, but I can figure out after thinking about them before and after, that they must be used to nourish the brain.

"Yun Po, smashed her face, dug her chest, and tore her mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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