My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 268 What is pretense?

Chapter 268 What is pretense?
Seeing this, Chen Huang snorted coldly and rushed out.

While charging, he shouted: "The imperial guards obey the order, I want to capture that demon girl alive!"

The ministers and family members also rushed out.

After all, there are almost all the high-ranking members of the Qingming Sect and the Beast Control Sect, the second of the four major sects, as well as the royal guards of the dynasty. Even if this woman is a god, she must be allowed to stay here.

So everyone was not afraid at all and rushed out one after another.

"Demon girl, where are you? Why didn't the eldest lady who dared to kill me Qingmingzong not show up?"

"Hehe, you don't need to provoke Miss Ben, Miss Ben will come out now, and let you black-hearted people who are trying to massacre the city see how mighty Miss Ben is!"

After the words fell, everyone suddenly felt that the dazzling sunlight seemed to be suddenly blocked by dark clouds.

When they saw the dark cloud above their heads clearly, everyone, including Cheng Fang and Situ Jin and other high-level spiritual masters, instantly changed their colors.

Chen Huang was so frightened that he took several steps back, and asked in horror: "This... what the hell is this?"

The mountain-like figure of the winged eagle swooped down from the air at an extremely fast speed. Amid the horror of everyone, the elders of the Beast Controlling Sect and the Qingming Sect who took the lead to stand out were killed by the giant before they recovered their senses. All of their figures flew into the air.

There were two that were not knocked into the air, and were crushed to pieces by the winged eagles that landed directly.

Really answered the two words scolded by others——


And those eighth- and ninth-level spirit master elders who were knocked into the air by the winged eagle also changed everyone's evaluation of their height at this moment. The corpses were all in dilapidated condition, and it was impossible to know who belonged to whom.


Wing Eagle let out a low growl, which made all the masters turn pale, and the rest of them, including the tens of thousands of imperial guards who besieged them, were all bleeding from their seven orifices.

Ling Tian was dressed in red, with her satin-like long hair fluttering in the wind. Standing beside her was Di Wushang, who was by no means an ordinary person.

"Emperor Chen! Sect Master Cheng!"

Ling Tian greeted first.

But Ling Tian didn't care about Situ Jin, the suzerain of the Beast Controlling Sect.

"You... who are you?"

"You sent someone to destroy the Ling family army, and you don't even know who I am?"

Chen Huang looked at Ling Tian, ​​he really didn't know who this female evil star was.

"I am the eldest lady of the Ling family, Ling Tian! The Ling family army is my family's private army. You said that you have bullied me, and you still don't know me?"

Chen Huang was so shocked by Ling Tian's words that he couldn't speak for a while.

"You... aren't you a good-for-nothing? How could you..."


Ling Tian sneered, and then spread out her palm, a red flame appeared in her palm.The flame core is milky white.

Because Cheng Fang is an alchemist, the senior officials of Chen Guo and the senior officials of the Beast Control Sect who have a good relationship with Qing Mingzong have seen this kind of flame.

Everyone yelled in horror——


"Oh my god! That useless lady of the Ling family is actually an alchemist!!!"

"Return waste material?! 16-year-old alchemist, have you seen it?"


Suddenly, everyone who was talking made a gasp.

Because, at this moment Ling Tian raised another hand.This hand is still a red flame, but the flame core of the flame is completely different from the milky white flame core. The flame core of the flame on this hand is bronze.

 Malicious bad reviewers, malicious people who give low scores, please read the top book review!Don't call the author a poisonous mouth, I am such a proud author.My books are only for readers who like my books!If I find such a reader again in the future, I will ban it forever!
(End of this chapter)

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