My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 285 Emperor Wushang's Oath of Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 285 Emperor Wushang's Oath of Thunder Tribulation
Ling Jian looked at Di Wushang and snorted coldly: "Master Di, I really didn't expect you to care so much about my eldest lady. But does my eldest lady know who you are? Do you know that there are countless wives and concubines in your house? "

Ling Jian's question is undoubtedly heartbreaking.

At this moment, Di Wushang was extremely glad that he had told Ling Tian that he only had her as a woman, and he had no wives or concubines.

So facing Ling Jian's question, Di Wushang didn't panic, and didn't give any explanation.

Soon, his appearance changed with the change of breath.

A simple and unpretentious face that would have been drowned in an instant by being thrown into the crowd, instantly turned into an existence that turned the common people upside down.

There was a signature smile on that handsome face that could make people lose their beauty at a glance.

The silver-gray hair was floating in the air, and under the sunlight, there were dots of mercury-colored light, like the Milky Way under the night sky, bright and gorgeous.

Although I have seen Di Wushang change his face countless times, every time, this monstrous man can make Ling Tian fall into it completely.

She especially likes his thigh-length silver hair and his silver-gray pupils that are cold and clear but only doting on him.

Every time, she couldn't help but be fascinated by this unparalleled beauty, and couldn't help but sink.

Seeing Ling Tian's surprised expression, Ling Jian's mood improved a little.

It seems that the eldest lady of his family doesn't know that this Ah Da who has been following her is actually Di Wushang.

I don't know what kind of anger Ling Jian will feel when he knows Ling Tian's expression, but he is completely amazed and confused.

"My lord, what are your plans for turning into a servant of my Ling family and following my eldest lady?" Ling Jian asked with a sullen face.

"What if I say that I really like Xiao Tian'er?" Di Wushang still had that trademark smile.

"Hehe." Ling Jian sneered: "My lord, since you have seen my spirit beast, you should also know that I come from the same world as you. Although I don't have any intersection with your family, your identity is yours. But I know it. With your identity, you say you really like my eldest lady. Do you believe it yourself?"

"I, Di Wushang, swear here, if I don't really like Xiaotian'er, if I will fall in love with other women again in this life, I would be killed by the thunder robbery."

After Di Wushang's words fell, the clear sky was filled with thunder.


A thunder blasted in the sky, and Lei Jie vowed to succeed, but Di Wushang was not killed by the thunder.

Ling Tian opened his mouth slightly, his eyes were full of emotion.

Although she knew that Di Wushang liked her and treated her very well.But she didn't expect that Di Wushang could directly set up a thunder disaster for her.

Uncle Ling once told her that Lei Jie is a unique product of this world.As long as the strength has reached the fifth level or above as a spiritual master, they can use their spiritual power to communicate with the power of heaven and earth, and make the oath of thunder and catastrophe.

Once the Thunder Tribulation Oath is made, it cannot be broken again.

Once violated, no matter where you are at this time or in the future, you will be killed by the thunderbolt.

And the Thunder Tribulation that Di Wushang set up just now not only showed his present intentions, but also blocked his future.

If in the future, once he falls in love with another woman besides her, he will be bombarded and killed by Lei Jie.

Therefore, Ling Tian stared at Di Wushang without blinking, his eyes were full of emotion, but also somewhat reproachful.

(End of this chapter)

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