Chapter 288
"I asked you how the handover is going?" Di Wushang asked impatiently.

"Still... the handover has not started yet! Master, this subordinate is really wrong. Please ask your subordinate to return the things to the little princess! Please!"

"Xiao Tian'er personally selected it for you with the money she earned. Do you dare to pay her back?"

"Then...then...can this subordinate ask the Lord for help to store it for this subordinate? Recently...the subordinate's space has been full recently, and I can't put things down."

Feilong and Xiaoqi on the side almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

Fortunately, he can think of a reason for such a dog-legged immorality!
Is it stupid to be the master?


"Then you put the things with me temporarily, and I will keep them for you."

Feilong (Xiao Qi): ...( ̄▽ ̄)! !
"Yes yes yes! Thank you, the master, for helping the subordinates to share the burden. The subordinates are grateful!"

Seeing this, Fei Yu handed the jade pendant in Di Wushang's hands like throwing a hot potato.

Di Wushang took the jade pendant and carefully placed it in the space ring.

The things that the little guy gave him are unique in this world, and no one can be similar or identical to his things.

"My lord, where did the little princess buy this emerald? This subordinate thinks that the things the little princess buys should be unique, and this subordinate plans to buy that store and then sell other things. From now on , I will never sell your style of jade pendant again."

Xiao Qi: Shameless!
Feilong: How shameless!

Di Wushang glanced at Fei Yu, remained silent for a moment and then said: "The capital, north of the city, emerald jewelry store."

"Yes! This subordinate will do it right away. However, the master... the subordinate will go to buy that store, which may delay the handover time with Feichen. Look at this...hehe..."

"It's better to leave Dongzhou's affairs to Feichen. I'm worried about leaving it to you."

Feilong: Damn it!
Xiao Qi: Damn it!
Fei Yu: (eyes brighten) "Master is wise!"

After leaving with Ling Jian, Ling Jian told Ling Tian how bad and hateful Di Wushang was along the way, so that Ling Tian should not be fooled by his appearance.

In order to chase a girl, he was reduced to the point of acting as a guard for their family.It really refreshed the lower limit of Ling Jian's understanding of shamelessness.

After Ling Tian returned home, he couldn't wait to hide in his room and devoted himself to his cultivation.

Now, she has accumulated 38000 karma points. Once she breaks through to the second stage, which is the alchemy stage, she will be able to purchase more top-notch exercises.

Crucially, once her strength breaks through to the alchemy stage, she will have stronger mental power to find Hua Liming and Ye Chuchen.

It has been a month since she came here, and she not only failed to find them, but also did not receive any information from Hua Lixiao or Ye Chuchen.So Ling Tian had a bad feeling, she felt that the three of them had fallen far away from this continent.

And the vastness of this Hunyuan Continent surpassed her imagination.It is not easy to find them.

Ten days passed in a flash, and after countless weeks of running the mental method of "Onmyoji Secret Record", finally, the bottleneck of the eighth floor was broken.

With a soft "click", the eighth node of the body was opened.

In an instant, the dantian had already swelled up, and the air wave that was about to burst the dantian moved around the body with the opening of the eighth node, and the full spiritual power was instantly swallowed by the wider air sea space.

(End of this chapter)

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