My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 293 Love Your Man?

Chapter 293 Love Your Man?
"So if they are inland, then we can only contact them after entering the Tiancheng Empire.

But Xiao Tianer, don't worry, I will definitely help you find your senior sister and junior sister in the shortest possible time. "

Her Phoenix is ​​really nice! ! !

Ling Tian felt that she must have saved the entire universe in her previous life, and only in this life could she meet a man like Di Wushang.

"Girl, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ling Tian's eyes filled with tears, Di Wushang frowned slightly.

"Di Wushang, you are really nice! You are so nice to me, it makes me feel unreal, like I am daydreaming!"

Di Wushang was amused by Ling Tian's words, and rubbed Ling Tian's head: "The previous life was a nightmare, and now you are sober."

Ling Tian: ...I'm so touched, are you sure?

"Okay, come on, let's find your senior sister and junior sister."

"Yeah." Ling Tian nodded quickly.

She doesn't have much time, if Uncle Ling finds out that she has a private meeting with Di Wushang again, it will be troublesome.

Ling Tian sat cross-legged, and there was an invisible energy on her index finger and middle finger. This was the special mental energy wave used for her to communicate with Hua Liming and Ye Chuchen.

With a "swish", the wave frequency rushed to the sky, rushing to a higher position at an extremely fast speed.

At the height of 8000 meters, seeing that the wave frequency could not rise higher, Di Wushang's palm landed on Ling Tian's back, and suddenly, a vast spiritual power that was countless times stronger than Ling Tian's mental power surged. Entering, the stagnant spiritual power in the air was driven by this mental power, and instantly rushed to the height of [-] meters, [-] meters, [-] meters... and finally stagnated at [-] meters. Ten thousand meters above the sky.

If the altitude of 8000 meters can cover an area of ​​800 million square kilometers, then the altitude of 5 meters can cover an area of ​​5000 million square kilometers.

Ling Tian was terrified.

She is a professional in this field, and her soul power is much stronger than that of ordinary people.But in front of Di Wushang, they couldn't compare at all.

5 meters!

Even if she has cultivated the Onmyoji Secret Record to the peak, she doesn't expect her mental strength to rise to a height of 5 meters in an instant.

And she felt that Di Wushang didn't seem to use much force.

"Now your fluctuating frequency has covered all of the 13 countries. If they are in any corner of the 13 countries, they should be able to feel you."


Ling Tian was excited, she really hoped to get in touch with Hua Lixiao and Ye Chuchen, even if it was just one of them.

5 minutes passed, and 10 minutes passed, Ling Tian withdrew his spiritual connection.

"Why don't you wait any longer?" Di Wushang asked.

Looking back at Di Wushang's face that was still the same as before, Ling Tian said: "If they are really within the range of the 13 countries, let alone 10 minutes, they will definitely be able to contact me within 1 minute. So I guess, They must have traveled inland."

Di Wushang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pinched Ling Tian's fleshy apple face, it felt very good, and then couldn't help pinching it again, until Ling Tian grinned in pain, then let go, and then gave the She rubbed it.

Ling Tian felt that he was like a pet kept by this man.Although he dotes on her very much, he can't help but want to pinch her.

"Little Tian'er, do you feel sorry for your man?"

(End of this chapter)

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