My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 295 Super Awesome Noble Woman

Chapter 295 Super Awesome Noble Woman
I couldn't help but touched the green mask with my hand, couldn't help poking it cheaply, then knocked, and finally couldn't help jumping a few times.

Confirming that the mask is strong enough, Ling Tian let out a sigh.

"Uncle Ling, your mask is so advanced that it can hold people. When you are tired and the mask's spiritual power is weak, will I fall?"

Ling Tian's words made Ling Jian couldn't help laughing.

"Miss is just joking. This is the spiritual mask of your subordinates. Even if Miss is cultivating inside and attacks with all her strength, this mask will not disappear or shatter. So please don't worry, Miss."

"It's awesome!" Ling Tian nodded, and couldn't help sighing.

"Uncle Ling, how long will it take us to fly like this to reach the enchantment you mentioned?"

"It will be there in one day."


It seems that Di Wushang really knows Uncle Ling very well!

But looking at this speed, it seems that it is not as fast as Xiaoqi's winged eagle!
Can this speed really catch up with the five-year speed of outlanders in one day?
Just when Ling Tian was skeptical about Ling Jian's speed, her world view was refreshed again.

Weeping City was originally a border city of Mo Country, after flying for a certain distance, it became an uninhabited and uninhabited area.

Then Ling Jian stopped flying, took out a space ring and put it on, and soon a flying boat suspended in the air appeared in front of Ling Tian.

I - wipe! ! !

Ling Tian's eyes widened.

In the seamless connection between Ling Jian's spiritual mask and the flying boat, Ling Tian successfully entered the flying boat cabin.

Entering the cabin, Ling Tian was shocked.

Nima!This is simply the most modern design on earth!

The flight cabin of the flying boat is very beautiful. There are three bedrooms, a bathroom, a shower room, a living room, and a kitchen.It is a modern luxury style.

To be precise, even more beautiful than modern private jets!
Even the toilet in the bathroom is fully automatic, so Ling Tian has every reason to suspect that the things in this spaceship are all brought by Master from Earth!

Ling Jian also entered the flying boat, looked at the stunned Ling Tian, ​​and asked with a smile: "How about you, Miss, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied! I'm so satisfied! It's a pity that I can reach the destination in a day, otherwise I want to stay here forever!"

Ling Tian collapsed on a bed in a room made entirely of pink, the bed was soft and really comfortable!

"Uncle Ling, you really don't show your wealth! Such a good thing, you only took it out at this time!"

Aww!She really likes this flying boat!
"Hahahaha..." Ling Jian was amused by Ling Tian's words, and it took a long time before he said reminiscently: "Miss, this is not a subordinate, how can a subordinate have the strength to buy a flying boat? This is the master After knowing that his wife was pregnant, he made a special trip to build an ultra-luxury mini airship.

The shape of the entire flying boat was designed by your father, and the automation function inside was provided by your master Tong Tiandao.Your father wanted to take you all over the north and south of this continent after you were born. "

Ling Tian's heart moved slightly, and he sat up from the bed: "My parents made this for me?"

"En." Ling Jian nodded, touched the wall of the flying boat and said, "You have a lot of flying boats in your home, even a giant flying boat that can carry thousands of people. But this flying boat was designed by the Lord himself. Every decoration and object in it is the master's painstaking effort. His wish is that one day, he can take his wife, young miss, and young lady's fiancé, and your family of four will go out on a flying boat. "

(End of this chapter)

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