My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 301 Grass, Kidnap!

Chapter 301 Grass, Kidnap!


There are three women in one play, Nima is all women's sect, there are not thousands of plays in it, and her name Ling Tian can be written backwards!
Isn't it just that you don't want her to have contact with other men?Who said that Uncle Ling and Di Wushang are rivals, they both clearly have the same physique!
All the same and so insidious!
But now that the sect has already been selected, Ling Tian no longer thinks about changing it.A woman is a woman, she has never been a person who is afraid of causing trouble.

After receiving the interspatial ring, Ling Tian stuffed it into Tongtianyu's space without even looking at it.Wealth is placed here, no one can find it.

"Uncle Ling, are we going to cross the barrier tonight?"

"The barrier at night is prone to space storms. To be on the safe side, it's better to pass it tomorrow morning. We will camp here tonight."

"Then let's barbecue game here at night." Ling Tian's glutton came up again.

"Okay. Missy can eat whatever she wants." Ling Jian smiled and agreed.

"Uncle Ling, then you are responsible for lighting the fire, and I am responsible for finding some wild animals in the valley."

"How can you bother the eldest lady, let's go down and look for the beast!"

"I'll go, I'll go! Uncle Ling is just waiting to show off his cooking skills."

Seeing Ling Tian gearing up, Ling Jian smiled and said: "Okay. The eldest lady, go and come back quickly. But remember not to go to the forest over there, there are enchantment vortexes everywhere, once you encounter it, you will be swept away." Go somewhere else."

"What about the ones over here?"

"This side is fine. There is no enchantment vortex here."

"Okay!" Ling Tian agreed, and quickly moved towards the direction he just pointed.

Although it is located within the enchantment range, even if you pass through the enchantment, you have only reached the inland. With the current strength of your eldest lady, even if you encounter a spirit beast that accidentally escapes from the inside, you can still be [-]% sure. Grasp to deal with.

As for people...

It is estimated that people living in the inland, without special medicine to support them, may not be able to survive for two hours once they leave the abundant aura in the inland.

So Ling Jian was not worried about the arrival of a strong man.

However, it was his self-confidence that made him quickly regret it.

At the same time, Di Wushang was also regretful.

It is said that after Ling Tian quickly rushed to the depths of the woods, he soon found a wild beast.

Savage beasts are between ordinary animals and spirit beasts. They don't have the aura of spirit beasts, but they have the power comparable to spirit beasts.

The beast is a porcupine, twenty times the size of a normal porcupine.There are gray thorns all over the body, the meat is tightly bound, and the taste is good at first glance.

Seeing Ling Tian, ​​the unintelligent porcupine took the initiative to attack the humans who were more than a little bit stronger than themselves.

Ling Tian didn't even use his weapon, he violently swung his fist and collided with the porcupine covered in prickles.

The milky white spiritual power was wrapped around the fist, and there was only a muffled "boom". The moment the fist collided with the pig's head, the air wave of the collision of spiritual power spread out, and the porcupine was unsurprisingly caught by Ling Tian. The punch flew, the brains were scattered, and he fell to the ground without a sound.

"Without the power of shattering, I will play and abuse you!"

Ling Tian murmured to himself in shock, and was about to put the porcupine into the space and take it out for barbecue, but suddenly his face changed drastically, and the next moment, he was unable to move.

"Not bad, you can blow a wild beast away with one punch, no wonder you dare to go to the inland."

(End of this chapter)

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