My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 303 Emperor Wushang, you are shameless!

Chapter 303 Emperor Wushang, you are shameless!
Jade slips, forged from Lingshi, have their own spiritual power.

Just when Ling Tian was thinking about what this man was going to use the jade slips for, a white light appeared from the jade slips in his hand.

And in front, as if receiving a signal from the jade slip, the calm space instantly distorted.

Although he has never seen what a barrier is, but at this moment, after feeling a distinctly different space atmosphere, Ling Tian summoned Xu Yi who was brought by her and was practicing in her Qiankun bag.

Today's Xu Yi has been branded with her soul. Although he still remembers the past, like a contracted spirit beast, Xu Yi has become her contracted soul, and he is not worried that he will have second thoughts about her.Because for Xu Yi, Ling Tian is everything to him now, and he would rather die than let Ling Tian suffer.

Xu Yi is a ghost, also known as a spirit body, which is easily invisible.After coming to the outside world, he quickly used the power of thought Ling Tian taught him to cut off the rope tied with the spirit card around the waist of the black-robed man to the ground.

Xu Yi's existence and movements were completely unexpected by the black-robed man, so even though there was something missing from his waist, it was not discovered because Ling Tian's body was on his waist.

The front was originally a land of vegetation and forests, but because of the distortion of the space, it gradually turned into a white light gate.

The man stepped into the door and disappeared in this space in a blink of an eye.

Almost when the space barrier was opened, Ling Jian, who was lighting a fire in the distance, noticed the space fluctuations that should not have occurred.

As soon as his face turned black, his body suddenly rose up, and he quickly swept towards the place where the space fluctuated.

But when he came to the place where Ling Tian disappeared after searching for an unusual spatial aura, the black-robed man had already led Ling Tian through the barrier and disappeared in this outer continent.

Ling Jian only felt his heart sink with a "thump".


If he still doesn't know what happened at this moment, then he has been in vain for so many years!

"Di Wushang, you are shameless! Shameless! Shameless!!!"

That day Di Wushang swore in front of him with Lei Jie, saying that he would only love the eldest lady in this life. A feeling of convincing.

Luckily, he still had two glances at Di Wushang in his heart, who would have thought that he would use such a low-handed method to kidnap the eldest lady.

"General Ling."

Suddenly a weak voice appeared in Ling Jian's ear.

"Who?" Ling Jian asked with red eyes.

"I'm Xu Yi."

After all, Xu Yi's transparent figure appeared in front of Ling Jian.

"You are the young lord of the Baiyun Sect?"

Xu Yi smiled wryly: "Where am I still the young suzerain of the Baiyun Sect? If the eldest lady hadn't taken me in by her side, I would have missed my reincarnation, and I would have vanished."

Ling Jian's eyes lit up: "The eldest lady took you in? Then where is she? Do you know where she was taken by whom?"

"General Ling, the eldest lady was not taken away by the emperor. It was a man in black robe who took the eldest lady away. His appearance was hidden under the black robe, so he couldn't see clearly, but the eldest lady ordered me to take a piece of gold from his waist. The token was taken off."

Xu Yi offered the token with both hands, and Ling Jian took the black token with a word written on it - "Yin"!
Ling Jian frowned slightly, he had no idea what kind of token this was.Asked: "Do you know why they took away the eldest lady?"

(End of this chapter)

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