My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 306 The Crazy Kidnapper

Chapter 306 The Crazy Kidnapper

"Stop! I tell you it is!"

The man in black already knew what Ling Tian was going to say next, so in order to prevent himself from being pissed off, he quickly stopped her from swearing with Thunder Tribulation.

There have been several thunderclaps here frequently, and it will be difficult to deal with it if any nearby master is alarmed.

"More than 200 years ago, when my master was still practicing, an uninvited guest came and asked the master to hand over the black stone. Only then did the master find out that the things stolen by the housekeeper who disappeared at the time still contained that black stone." A stone. In order to make a deal, we must find the black stone."

"Tch, I thought you guys were so good, but it turns out you're not just running errands."

Man in black:……! !

"By the way, what organization are you?"

"We are the Yinshan black market. My master is the owner of the Yinshan black market!"

"Then where am I now?"

"This is the outskirts of the Five Sacred Sacred Kingdom."

"I'll go!" Ling Tian was depressed.

The Tiancheng Empire that she is going to is not the same country!
"How far is it from Tian Cheng Huang Kingdom?"

"Not too far."

"Grass! It's not far, but how far is it? Can you give a general idea?"

Being threatened by a captive like this, the man in black was also drunk.

But in order to get the black stone, in order to relieve the lord's urgent need, he endured it.

"The Tiancheng Empire and the Wuyue Empire are both subordinate countries of the Glory Empire. I haven't measured how far they are, so I don't know."

"I see."

Ling Tian, ​​who had no idea how big the inland area was, became cheerful when he heard that he was under the command of a country.

"Stinky bitch, I've already said everything I need to say. That black stone is not yours at all, so hand it over quickly, and I'll spare your life."

"You think I'll believe it?"

"I...I swear by Lei Jie, if you hand over the black stone to me, if I still kill you, I will definitely be killed by Lei Jie!"

"Boom—" vowed success.

"You still have to swear that not only will you not be able to hunt and kill me from now on, but you will also not be able to tell your organization about me so that your organization can hunt and kill me!"

"Okay, I swear by Lei Jie, from now on I will not chase and kill you, and I will not tell my organization about you, otherwise I will be killed by Lei Jie!"

"Boom—" Another Thunder Tribulation vowed to succeed.

"Now you can always give things to me, right?"

The man in black really didn't want to say a word to this woman.

For a woman to grow up to such a shameless level, it really refreshed his three views.

Ling Tian continued: "I can't even move, how can I give you something?"

"Fuck! The thing is on your body? Then why weren't you killed by the thunder just now?" The man in black stared in disbelief.

"You care so much!"

Man in black:……! !

Forget it, he will leave after getting the black stone.If you continue to talk nonsense with this woman, he will lose!

After Ling Tian was able to move around, he got up from the ground.

"Give me something, don't play tricks!"

The man in black looked at Ling Tian vigilantly, but Ling Tian gave him a blank look: "Hurry up! I want to move first!"

Then, while the man in black took countless deep breaths to suppress his anger, Ling Tian started the latest ninth set of radio gymnastics.

After confirming that the flexibility of her body was enough for her to react as quickly as possible, when the patience of the man in black was exhausted, a glass bottle was suddenly thrown towards the cliff below the mountain.


(End of this chapter)

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