Chapter 311 Uncle!

In the space that seemed to be evacuated, a "boom boom boom boom" burst out.

The seemingly powerful attack, the attack that seems to distort the space, in Ling Jian's view, he is actually just sending himself to death.

Originally thought Di Wushang's strength was mediocre, but after seeing the spiritual power aura on him just now, he realized that the other party was already a master standing at the pinnacle of this continent.When the other party wanted to kill him, it was no different from crushing an ant.

But even so, he still wanted to fight once.

When he stabbed Di Wushang with a sword, Ling Jian's body also began to swell. He knew that Di Wushang would definitely knock him into the air, but he had already held a figure escape talisman in his hand. Once Di Wushang Shang hit him, and he immediately crushed the escape talisman, hid himself, and reappeared beside Di Wushang when his body revealed himself.

It is hoped that he and his two guards will be wounded, or even killed.

In this way, no one will know about his young lady.

However, the imagined attack from Di Wushang did not come, and even the sword he stabbed unexpectedly had an effect.

Because Di Wushang not only did not hide or evade, but also did not attack him.

His attack was only held by Di Wushang with his bare hands.

But when receiving this blow, Di Wushang actually withdrew his spiritual power that belonged to Lingzun and could crush him at any time.

The bright red blood slowly flowed down the three-foot green edge, which actually gave Ling Jian a dazzling feeling.

"Why do you..."

With his spiritual power, it was impossible to break through the defense of Di Wushang's body.But Di Wushang not only didn't hurt him, but was willingly hurt by him, Ling Jian's heart felt inexplicably aching at this moment.

This feeling of heartache for the sworn enemy made Ling Jian feel very strange. At the same time, it also made him swell up, and his body, which was trying to expose himself, slowly returned to normal.


Feilong and Feiyu couldn't see it anymore, and cried out in distress.But Di Wushang raised the corners of his lips to stop them.

"What's your name! This king is in a good mood! This bit of blood, let's add some joy to the recognition of this king and Wang Jian."

recognize each other?Festive?
What the hell is this?
What does he need to recognize with this sworn enemy in front of him?
Now that the eldest lady has been taken away, he is so worried, what a joy!
Ling Tian was speechless at Di Wushang's words.

"Since you already know my identity, why didn't you kill me?" Ling Jian withdrew his sword and asked righteously.

Di Wushang looked at the deep wound in his hand, with a smile on the corner of his lips, looking at Wang Jian, there was a kind of friendship that Ling Jian couldn't understand at all.

"No matter how much a person is injured, as long as his heart is not hurt, he will stand up again one day. I believe that one day you will be able to stand with them and gallop on the battlefield."


After Di Wushang's words fell, the three-foot Qingfeng that had been held by Ling Jian fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Ling Jian's eyes widened, and he stared at the man in front of him in shock and disbelief.

God! ! !

What did he hear? ? ?
Ling Jian's Adam's apple turned up and down, tears pooled in his eyes, and he stared at the man in front of him in disbelief.

But the man in front of him and the two guards beside him gave him a kind and happy smile.

(End of this chapter)

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