My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 315 The Only One's Relatives

Chapter 315 The Only Relative

But at this moment, he was extremely fortunate that the eldest lady was not yet a fifth-level spiritual master when she made the oath, so there was no way to make the thunder tribulation oath.

"My lord, you were in the form of Ah Da and stayed with the eldest lady before, she should already know your identity, right?"

Di Wushang shook his head: "I don't know. Just like your thoughts, this king feels that telling her her life experience too early may affect her cultivation and xinxing. Since we have experienced misfortune and pain, this king will I don't want this kind of emotion to affect Xiao Tian'er. I just want to see her happy."

"My lord, the lord and madam have such good eyesight! If they know about it, they will definitely thank you for your silent sacrifice."

"Thank you?" Di Wushang raised his eyebrows: "What are you talking about? This king is not only Xiaotian'er's fiancé, but also her only brother, and her only relative in this world. Treat her well, isn't it? Isn't it justified?"

Ling Jian's tears wrapped his eyes again, and he quickly nodded and said: "Yes, yes, the subordinate made a mistake."

"From now on, you will follow the king."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." Ling Jian quickly agreed without saying a word.Don't mention how happy I am!

In the past, how could someone like my uncle let a little shrimp like him follow him?

The Yinshan Black Market is located in a three-way zone between the Tiancheng Empire and the Wuyue Empire.

There is no country here, no kingly law, strength is respected, and fists are big.

It is rumored that the master of the Yinshan Black Market was once one of the few peak masters in the Five Sacred Kingdoms area.Hundreds of years ago, he came to Yinshan, a desolate place, and built the Yinshan black market with his own hands.

Hundreds of years of operation have made the Yinshan black market business better and better.The owner of the mysterious Yinshan black market also made a lot of money because of it.

"Why hasn't Hei Fei come back yet? Didn't he spread the news that he has found that person, and he will definitely come back within 20 days? It's been 21 days, nothing will happen, right?"

"My lord, the place Hei Fei is going to is the outer land. There, I heard that even the ninth-level spiritual masters are top experts. What do you think can happen to Hei Fei?"

"What if Hei Fei has come back, but someone took a fancy to the stone and snatched it? Or the owner of the stone played some tricks and ran away. Do you think this is possible?"

"Anyway, my subordinates think that the second possibility will never happen. Can an ordinary woman from the outskirts escape from Hei Fei's hands? As for the snatching...Master, you also thought it was just a broken rock at the beginning. Just put it casually, who would want to snatch it just because of a broken stone?"

"How dare you say it's a broken rock? I was almost killed because of that rock. How dare you say it's a broken rock?"

"Yes, yes, this subordinate is wrong!"

Suddenly, the entire hall was oppressed by an extremely terrifying coercion, so that the master of the Yinshan Black Market and the minions beside him couldn't help but kneel down from the chairs, and finally lay on the ground with all five bodies bleeding, and the seven orifices were bleeding. I didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Wh... who is it? Your Excellency... why did you take action without saying a word?"

The owner of the Yinshan black market was lying on the ground with difficulty. He felt that his entire internal organs were about to be crushed by this pressure, and asked in horror.

A man in black, covered in a black robe, appeared in front of the owner of the Yinshan black market.

(End of this chapter)

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