My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 324 Little White Hero

Chapter 324 Little White Hero
"Go to hell!"

Ah Cheng couldn't take it anymore, he shouted angrily, bursting out with all his spiritual power, and flew towards Li Yi.

At the same time, the village chief also dodged towards Li Yi, and at the same time, he and Ah Cheng formed horns to meet Li Yi.

After the village chief moved, the villagers with weapons behind him also moved one after another, shouting in grief and angrily, and rushed towards Li Yi.

Judging from their full-blown spiritual power, the village head is a sixth-level peak spiritualist, Ah Cheng is a fifth-level elementary spiritualist, and the rest of the villagers range from first to fourth level.


A sneer rose from the corner of Li Yi's lips. Facing the village head and Ah Cheng who rushed towards him first, he raised a pair of fists and aimed at one person.

Seventh-level spiritual master!

Judging from the energy lifted from Li Yi's fist, his strength has reached level seven.Although it looked like he had just broken through, but without the cooperation of auxiliary martial arts, the village chief and Ah Cheng would surely die if they received this punch.

"go with!"

Ling Tian gave Xiao Bai an order.

Already furious, the grinning Xiaobai quickly turned into a flash of lightning, and at a speed that Ling Tian couldn't see clearly, he hit Li Yi with a "whoosh" like a cannonball.

Already feeling the terrifying power contained in Li Yi's fist, the village chief and Ah Cheng, who knew they would die undoubtedly, had tragic expressions on their faces.

But in order to defend the person they want to protect, even if they are facing an enemy countless times stronger than themselves, the two of them did not show a trace of shrinking.



Just when the two were ready to die, when Li Yi was holding the winning ticket and grinning cruelly, a round, furry thing suddenly hit Li Yi's right arm with lightning speed.

Then, a scene that stunned the villagers of Hujia Village appeared.

After only hearing a dull impact, Li Yi was directly knocked out.

The most terrible thing is that because it was not a frontal impact, Li Yi's head and face were on the ground, and his face was rubbing against the ground at a high speed. After his body stopped completely, his entire face was buried in the soil.


A group of men in Hujia Village, who were ready to sacrifice, were all in the same shape at the moment.They stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths wide to look at the person who fell into the mud and couldn't get up again, and they didn't know whether he was dead or passed out.

The eyes of the village head and Ah Cheng are full of horror. Until now, they don't know who attacked Li Yi and who saved them.

"Thank you, hero, for saving your life. The villagers of our Hujia Village will surely repay you."

The village chief bowed his hands to the surroundings, and thanked him sincerely.


When Xiaobai heard that he was called a hero, he also became arrogant.Floating in the air and screaming twice, Xiao Tsundere flicked a short, curled tail that hadn't elongated yet.

When the villagers of Hujia Village heard the cry, they looked up one after another, their faces instantly filled with horror.

A seemingly harmless little white tiger!
It clearly still looks like a milk tiger, but it can already be suspended in the air without any help!

However, people or spirit beasts that can levitate in the air must reach the spirit king level.

So, is this seemingly harmless milk tiger with a little cuteness and a little tsundere, actually a spirit beast of the spirit king level?
It is already at the level of a spirit king at such a young age, so when it grows up, won't it be against the sky?


Seeing this, Ah Xiang couldn't help but exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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