My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 326 Life is like a dream

Chapter 326 Life is like a dream
I saw Ling Tian who was still in front of Li Yi suddenly disappeared and reappeared, and she had come behind Li Yi.

Then one hand raised the knife and fell.

There was almost no suspense at all. Where the sword light was heading, Li Yi's arm holding the sword flew out.He even flew out with his sword.

Then Ling Tian kicked Li Yi and sent him flying to the ground.

"Ah! My arm! You bitch, you actually crippled my arm! I won't let you go! I won't let you go!"

Li Yi used his spiritual power to quickly stop the blood spurting from his right shoulder, looking at the empty arm, his eyes were tearing apart.

He is a genius healer!Li Family Village has trained him for so many years, and it was not easy for him to join Yu Jianmen and walk out of this remote mountain village.Seeing his bright future, this woman who came out of nowhere cut off his arm and turned him into a useless person!

A barbed spiritual whip fell on Li Yi, causing him to scream in pain, but Ling Tian didn't care that the other party was seriously injured, and stepped on the other party's chest.

A foot with spiritual power directly made Li Yi spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You won't let me go? Hehe." Ling Tian sneered: "Come on, tell me, if I kill you now, how will you not let me go?"

Seeing the murderous intent in Ling Tian's eyes, Li Yi finally came back to his senses, knowing that he had kicked the iron plate today, his entire expression changed instantly.

He was able to show off his power in Hujia Village because he saw the simplicity and deception of these villagers.But in the face of those outsiders who are ready to beat and kill at every turn, to be honest, he has always been a good baby in Yujianzong who doesn't like to provoke disputes.

After all, in Zongmen, for a person with no background, there are existences everywhere that disciples like him can't afford to provoke.

"Girl, I... I was wrong, I apologize to you for what I did. Please let me go!"

"Apologize? If an apology is useful, what do Wang Fa do? If an apology is useful, what do you need your fist for? If an apology and intercession are useful, you will be so unreasonable? Occupying the territory of Hujia Village, ruining the livelihood of a village , you still want to trample Axiang to death? You are a scum like you, do you think I can let you go if you let me go? Then the people of Hujia Village begged you just now, did you let them go?"

"Then...then what do you want me to do? No matter what you want me to do, I will promise you!" Li Yi looked terrified.

"Go and kowtow to apologize to the village chief, Ah Cheng, Ah Xiang, and the villagers who have been hurt by you, just say you are a bastard, please forgive you! Then kowtow 100 times."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Although the pain of the broken arm made Li Yi almost faint, but in order to survive, Li Yi still followed Ling Tian's words in a proper manner.

Kneeling and crawling to the foot of the village chief, he kowtowed to the village chief and all the villagers in Hujia Village: "I was wrong, I am a beast, I am a son of a bitch, please forgive me! I was wrong, I am a beast, I'm a son of a bitch, please forgive me! . . . "

Li Yi has always been the thorn in the side of Li's Village, a dandy, and used to like to join forces with a group of restless people from Li's Village to come to Hu's Village to make troubles, and today it almost caused the whole family of Hu's Village to be wiped out.

Now seeing him wagging his tail and begging for mercy at everyone like this, everyone just felt like it was a dream.


(End of this chapter)

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