My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 332 Brother, Don't Go!

Chapter 332 Brother, Don't Go!
The original intention was to take it back to Lijia Village to show off, so that everyone in Lijia Village thought that he had done well in Yujianzong and was appreciated by the sect.

Later, he was injured by Ling Tian, ​​and he swore the thunder tribulation oath.Knowing that revenge was hopeless, before leaving, Li Yi had a flash of inspiration and gave the space ring, which was much more valuable than eight porcupines, to the people of Hujia Village.

Seeing that Li Yi has become like this, and thinking about the space ring that he lent him, Lu Gang, who has always been generous, is also angry.

"Junior Brother Li, you have become like this, so stop thinking about the space ring. Tell senior brother, who dares to hurt you like this? Senior brother avenges you!"

"Brother, don't go! Don't go!"

Li Yi cried aggrievedly while yelling not to let Lu Gang go, which moved Lu Gang even more and felt that Li Yi was a good person.

"Junior brother Li, tell senior brother the whole story. Senior brother is not a reckless person. If he really loses, I will let my brother go out. I still don't believe that in this remote and remote place, there are still people who dare to fight with us Yujianzong." Be an enemy! Be good, tell senior brother, who hurt you?"

Li Yi choked up for a long time before he nodded and said: "I took my cousin to chase a spirit beast to the mountain of Hujia Village, and then killed it. It was a high-grade porcupine, but my cousin just put the porcupine on the mountain. In the space ring, it was discovered by the village head and villagers of Hujia Village.

They took a fancy to my interspatial ring, deceived my cousin to have no spiritual power, and tried to snatch it. Fortunately, I showed up in time and injured the village chief, so I snatched the ring back.

I originally thought that this matter would be exposed, but who knew that a guest came to their Hujia Village recently, and that woman's strength turned out to be a spiritual master at the peak of the seventh level.Seeing that I was unwilling to hand over the ring, he wounded me, and then in front of my face, cut off my cousin's arm and every piece of flesh on his body, and made him tortured to death.

In order to save my cousin's life, I had to give her the ring, but she still killed my cousin.Later, she spared my life for the sake of handing over the ring, but viciously cut off my arm, turned me into a useless person, and finally made me kowtow to her 100 times before letting go I leave. "


After listening to Li Yi's nonsense, Lu Gang smashed the table beside the bed with one palm.

His eyes were full of angry killing intent, like a tiger about to come out of the mountain, choosing to eat someone.

"Damn it! It's so hateful! Is there any law of the king and the law of heaven? A woman is so vicious! If I don't kill her, I, Lu Gang, will be a disciple of the Yujianzong and be cultivated by the master for nothing!

Let's go, junior brother, you and senior brother will take a trip to Hu's Village!Isn't he a spiritual master at the peak of the seventh level?Brother, I am a dignified eighth-level spiritual master, can I still be defeated by this woman?Brother will definitely let you see the scene of the revenge of the big revenge with your own eyes! "

After that, Lu Gang bent down to help Li Yi up.

But Li Yi refused.

"Senior Brother, I appreciate your kindness. This is how this world is, strength is the most important thing. She is stronger than me, so I have nothing to say. You don't want to go, Senior Brother, money is something outside of you.

You don't know, none of the people in Hujia Village is a good person, they are all typical hypocrites, if you go to them to argue, they will definitely blame me, saying that I want to massacre the village, and that I want to occupy them village woman. "

Angry?Then I want the cantaloupe-flavored tickets today!

(End of this chapter)

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