My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 334 Here Comes the One Who Finds Differences

Chapter 334 Here Comes the One Who Finds Differences

"Young man, I don't know why you came to Hu's Village to find the old man and Miss Ling?"

Lu Gang glanced at the village chief, and then at Ling Tian, ​​his eyes flashed with astonishment, but then turned into a murderous intent.

"Blood debt!" Lu Gang said straight to the point.

The village chief frowned: "People in my Hu family village have always kept their own law and order. I don't know what you mean by blood debts?"

"20 days ago, the blood debt of brothers Li Yi and Li Jiacun, you won't forget it so quickly, will you?"

"Li Yi ran back to sue, and found someone to avenge him?"

"It's really shameless!"

"If I knew it earlier, I would have killed him, so I won't let him go!"

Hearing that this person came to avenge Li Yi, the villagers of Hujia Village were instantly angry.

Ah Xiang, who had already rushed to watch, was pale at the moment.

Because Ling Tian asked her brother's meaning at that time, her brother didn't intend to spare Li Yi, but she grabbed her brother's sleeve at the critical moment, which allowed Li Yi to escape.

But I didn't expect Li Yi to be so bad, and ran to find a helper to kill them.

At this moment, Ah Xiang regretted it.

In fact, it is not only Ah Xiang who regrets at this moment?

The village chief, as well as the villagers who let Li Yi go that day, are all regretful at this moment.

If I had known it earlier, I would have killed it!

"Who are you from Li Yi?" The village chief asked with a calm face.

"I am Li Yi's senior brother, Lu Gang, an inner disciple of Yujianzong!"

After the other party reported his family name, except for Ling Tian, ​​almost everyone's heart was raised at this moment.

Yu Jianzong!
Finally, the last thing they wanted to face appeared.

Li Yi actually asked someone from Yujianzong to help.

"Since you are a disciple of the great sect, you must have the basic concept of right and wrong, right? Then Li Yi..."

"He tried to massacre the village, and even raped the women in your village, right?"

The village chief's face became even more ugly: "So even if you know what he has done that is unreasonable, you still want to avenge him? You killed us, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"Retribution? Ha ha." Lu Gang sneered: "I have seen many hypocrites, but I have never seen people as disgusting as you. It is said that the more remote the place, the simpler the folk customs. In my opinion, it is simply Shit!
You took advantage of Li Yi's hunting, attacked Li Si, and tried to snatch the space ring, but after being injured by Li Yi, you moved in to rescue the soldiers.For a space ring, you not only forced Li Yi to make a pledge of thunder and robbery, trampled on his personality, and asked my disciples of Yujianzong to kowtow to you 100 times.You also killed Li Si, cut off Li Yi's arm, and made him a useless person.Don't you think your actions are too much?Since you keep talking about retribution, aren't you afraid of retribution? "

Lu Gang's words made the villagers explode in an instant, and they began to explain that things were not what Lu Gang said.

"Nonsense! Total nonsense!"

The village chief hated being slandered the most in his life, so he behaved aboveboard.Now that they have been slandered by Li Yi to such an extent, they are so angry that their chests hurt and their blood surges.

However, Li Yi didn't listen to the villagers' explanations at all, and still looked like he couldn't get in.

"Nonsense? Then tell me, where is the space ring on Li Yi now?"

After asking the question, Lu Gang bit his finger, and with a thought, the space ring in the village head's arms flew out automatically and returned to Lu Gang's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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