My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 339 Who wants revenge?

Chapter 339 Who wants revenge?
Li Yi stared and shook his head again and again: "No, no, you can't kill me! Lu Gang's brother will definitely find him if he finds out that Lu Gang hasn't gone back. If you kill me, with his brother's love for him, he will definitely not Let you off. His elder brother is the number one disciple of the inner sect, and he may soon be accepted as a direct disciple by the master of Yujianzong. At that time, the one you will offend will be the entire Yujianzong!"

"Oh!" Ling Tian nodded: "It turns out that this is your good plan! Let Lu Gang go to die, let Lu Ji come to settle accounts with us."

"Miss Ling, I was blinded by hatred, and it was my fault. As long as you spare me, I will tell Brother Lu Ji that Lu Gang and I were attacked by spirit beasts on the mountain, which led to Lu Gang's death." Death. Miss Ling, let's turn our hostility into friendship! I will never dare to provoke you again!"

"You can't just pretend that everyone in the world is a fool if you are a fool! Let me pin my hopes on an enemy who is full of lies and wants to kill me. I might as well kill you. The matter can also be evaded in the spirit. on the beast. Isn't it?"

"No, can't kill me! I'm a disciple of Yujianzong, you can't kill me!"

At this moment, Li Yi regretted it very much.If he had known that Ling Tian was such an unreasonable person, even if he had a hundred guts, he wouldn't have dared to take advantage of Lu Gang's death or serious injury to seek revenge!
However, the next moment, Li Yi was dragged out of the courtyard like a dead dog by Ling Tian's collar.

"Little bald!"

At Ling Tian's order, the huge vulture of the intermediate spirit king level took Li Yi into his mouth, rushed to the sky amidst the other party's extremely tragic screams, and then pecked at his body fiercely.

How can the body of a seventh-level spiritual master withstand the ravages of a red-level peak spirit beast?
After only two clicks, Li Yi's screams stopped, and there was no sound.

The vulture's huge figure hovered high in the sky of Lijia Village, scaring all the villagers to rush out of the house with pale faces.

"Yi'er! That's Yi'er! My Yi'er!" A woman couldn't help screaming when she saw clearly that the man caught in the vulture's mouth was empty.

Soon, Madam's screams were confirmed.

After eating only half of Li Yi's body, Xiaotu threw down the remaining half of his body that was riddled with holes.

"Bang—" With a muffled landing, everyone saw that it was indeed Li Yi!
"Ahhhh - I killed you! You evil bird dared to kill my son, I want to kill you!"

The woman screamed on the ground with her eyes tearing open.

Soon, the little bald swooped down under Ling Tian's order, and before the woman had time to beg for mercy, he had already swallowed her into his mouth.After chewing a few times, he spit out the body again.

"Who else wants to avenge Li Yi?"

Ling Tian's voice came from behind the villagers, and the villagers turned around in fright.

At this moment, the little bald also swooped down from the air, flapped its 20-meter-long wings a few times, and then nestled obediently beside Ling Tian, ​​like a good obedient baby, not half of the bloodthirsty boy who was in the air just now murderous side.

Seeing this, everyone stared at Ling Tian in astonishment, wondering when their Li family village had provoked such a female evil star.

"Girl... Miss, no... I don't know who you are? Come... What's your business in our Li Family Village?"

(End of this chapter)

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