My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 341 Breakthrough

Chapter 341 Breakthrough
Even if there is no one to help her in Wailu, she can still walk sideways with her strength.But here, even if she manages the Ten Thousand Years Ship carefully, something unexpected may happen.

So after dealing with Li Yi's matter, Ling Tian spent more than 20 days.

Finally, after coming to Lijia Village for a month and a half, she broke through from the eighth level of the foundation building stage to the first level of the alchemy stage in one fell swoop.

In her previous life, it took her 20 years to cultivate from the first level of the foundation period to the peak of the ninth level of the foundation period, but now, adding up her back and forth, it only took her a little over two months to grow from a useless person with no spiritual power The material broke through to the spirit king level.

My own body is really easy to use.

Ling Tian felt the power in his body which was completely different from that of the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and couldn't help but spread his palms, letting the spiritual power surge in his palms.

A black spiritual power permeated Ling Tian's palm, making Ling Tian slightly taken aback.

"Hey, where's the promised red spiritual power?"

It stands to reason that the first foundation-building period of "Onmyoji Secret Record" is the spirit master level of the Hunyuan Continent, so shouldn't the second-level alchemy period be the spirit king level of the Hunyuan Continent?

But she was supposed to be the color of the Scarlet Spirit King, why would she be black?

Ling Tian looked inside his body again.

Now, the meridians in the body have doubled in size compared to before. In addition, some new meridians have been opened up in the body.

Same as the black aura on the palm, every one of her meridians is also filled with black aura at this moment, it looks pretty good when paired with the black meridians.

Compared with the meridians, the Dantian has changed the most.

The previous dantian was laid out by strands of spiritual power.Once the spiritual power is stored in the entire dantian, and when the dantian is about to burst, a node of the body will be opened.After the sea of ​​qi pours into the new node, the space of the dantian that holds the spiritual power will expand.

And when Ling Tian cultivated to the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, the dantian space had already expanded to a level that made her feel terrified.

But now, after entering the alchemy stage, Ling Tian found that his dantian had suddenly shrunk again, shrinking to the size of the dantian at the first level of the foundation stage.And in the shrinking dantian space, a black ball is floating in the middle.

Black mist of spiritual power is pervasive around the ball, and after the spiritual power in the body circulates automatically for a week, it will automatically be included in the black sphere, and new spiritual energy will also be spit out from the black ball and re-enter it. The circulation of the meridians.


"This should be the inner alchemy of the alchemy stage!"

Although no one explained it to Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian also comprehended the black ball floating in the dantian at the moment according to the two words "consolidation of pills".

Quickly running the mental method for ten weeks, Ling Tian was surprised to find that in the past, after running the mental method for ten weeks, there would be a few traces of spiritual energy filling the dantian. His aura seemed to be thrown into a bottomless pit, without even a single ripple.

"At this speed, won't the time it takes to break through every time in the future have to increase geometrically?"

Why!Forget about that.

Ling Tian put aside such worries, and then used his spiritual sense to look towards Tong Tianyu's space.

After helping the country of Mexico to solve a crisis and save the people of the country from the suffering of war, her karma points increased to 38000 points.

(End of this chapter)

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