My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 355 Killing the Elder of Yujianzong

Chapter 355 Killing the Elder of Yujianzong

The figure is like a nimble snake, in the sword of the Seventh Elder 100% able to kill her, half of a cartilaginous animal without bones, the body folded in half, slipped through his crotch with a "swish", and then He twisted his body and stood up.

"Eagle Eyes!"

Ling Tian activated Hawkeye again, but this time he activated Hawkeye not to avoid, but to attack.

Two transparent objects the size of pinpoints shot out from Ling Tian's eyes soundlessly, hitting the back of the Seventh Elder's head.

Originally, the Seventh Elder, who was already terrified that Ling Tian could not only escape his two attacks, but also come behind him, changed from passive to active, was about to quickly turn around and change from attack to defense.

As a result, when two invisible needles pierced the back of the Seventh Elder's head, he felt his whole brain "buzz" as if it exploded, and then he fell into a daze.

This period of distraction is very short, and it will not cause any harm to his life. After all, Ling Tian is only a junior scarlet spirit king, and he is already a fifth-level scarlet spirit king, surpassing more than one level.

But in the battle of life and death, the most taboo thing is to lose one's mind.

Even if it's just 0.1 seconds of being absent-minded, it can cause irreparable damage.


The other two grew up to see that the Seventh Elder lost his mind during the battle because Ling Tian was able to dodge his attack, and they hurriedly yelled in fright.

Hearing the stern voices of the two elders, the seventh elder woke up with a jolt.

However, he never had another chance to make a move.

Because the last expression in his life was fixed at the moment when he woke up.


A slight sword howl passed by, and a thin line of blood appeared from the seventh elder's forehead to the center of his eyebrows.

A drop of blood burst out from the bloodline on the Seventh Elder's forehead, and it was about to drip.


While everyone was stunned, with the muffled sound of a watermelon being pried open, the seventh elder's head exploded instantly.

Blood mist filled the air, and the Seventh Elder, who was still fine just now, had turned into a headless corpse.

It wasn't until the head exploded that the Seventh Elder's body fell to the ground with a suffocating muffled sound.


Seeing this, An Xian screamed in horror, staggered and fell to the ground, then quickly crawled behind the remaining two elders and an elder protector to seek shelter.

The other Yujianzong disciples also hid behind the three elders in horror at this moment, and looked at Ling Tian in horror.

In their eyes, Ling Tian is a monster.

With the strength of a mere junior spirit king, he killed the seventh elder of Yujianzong in a single encounter.

Now, those who had previously threatened Ling Tian to die in various ways, all fell silent at the moment.

After seeing Ling Tian's strength, the villagers of Hu's Village all had their eyes lit up and saw the dawn of life.

"Elder Yujianzong, that's all! You said it so awesome, why didn't you kill me face-to-face? You two are also elders, right? Do you want to go together?"

At this moment, Ling Tian's style of play is to let the two mid-level Scarlet Spirit Kings go up together, and after these two are dead, she and Xiao Bai will concentrate on dealing with this peak-level Scarlet Spirit King.

"It seems that we have indeed underestimated you. Although the Seventh Elder was distracted during the battle just now, but your mere 16-year-old girl has not only advanced to the level of the spirit king, but also used strange moves to fight against the level of the junior spirit king. The strength surpasses the seventh elder of my fifth-level Scarlet Spirit King of Yujianzong! Which sect do you come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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