Chapter 359
But when Yu Jianzong found her, if she refused to agree to anything, it would be very embarrassing for……

"Hujia village is sparsely populated. If people from your sect come, it will definitely make the villagers feel inconvenient. Well, I will go with you to Yujianzong. Thank you for helping me find my family. But within three days at most, I will to come back."

The right protector's eyes lit up: "Okay, okay! Thank you, Miss Ling, for showing me your face and moving to Yujianzong! I really don't know how happy our suzerain will be to see Miss Ling! Then... let's go now?"

Ling Tian nodded, and turned to look at Li Le, who had already turned pale with fright.

After learning that Ling Tian's identity is not so simple that even the guardian elders who are as famous as Yujianzong and suzerain have to bow down for him, Li Le knew that something was wrong.

At this moment, he really wished he could slap himself twice.

If he hadn't been so ostentatious when he brought Yu Jianzong and his party to Hu's Village and reduced his sense of presence even a little bit, he wouldn't be missed by Ling Tian now.

Seeing Ling Tian's gaze on him, Li Le's legs softened, he knelt down on the ground, and then began to "bang bang bang" begging for mercy.

"Miss Ling, please forgive me! I don't know Taishan with my eyes, I don't know Miss Ling's honorable status, I ask Miss Ling to treat the villain as a fart, no, treat it as a pile of stinky shit, let the villain go! "

Li Le is a ruthless person, and after only a few knocks, his entire forehead was completely damaged.


With a muffled sound, Li Le, who was still kowtowing in horror, had been patted into a piece of meatloaf by the right guard, and the blood on his body also turned into a blood mist, spraying the surrounding Yujianzong disciples all over.


An Xian screamed and moved away in disgust.

But after being injured by the right guardian, she only dared to hide at the back, the closest to Li Le.Now that she was splashed with blood all over her body, An Xian was so angry that she burst into tears.In the downcast eyes, hatred soared.

Because of Ling Tian, ​​her fiancé died!The man who is most likely to take over Yujianzong in the future is gone!Her dream was shattered!
But what about the one who ruined her life?After killing three Yujianzong disciples and an elder Yujianzong, she is standing tall and high in front of her at this moment. The thousands of elegance and her body covered in blood are in such a sharp contrast, as if she is on the edge of the cloud and mud. Don't.

This made An Xian feel extremely humble.

She, who has always been aloof, can't bear this feeling at all.

She hates!

But in the face of the woman who even the right protector would bow down for, she had no choice, let alone the courage to put her monstrous hatred into practice.

"Thank you, Guardian Right, for helping me kill this person. But there is one more person, I must kill him before going to Yujianzong."

"Let's leave this matter to my subordinates. How can I dirty Miss Ling's hands? I wonder who is not pleasing to Miss Ling?" The right protector, who is usually aloof and doesn't even pay attention to the elders of the sect, is now a dog leg. quite natural.

"Li Min, the village head of Lijia Village." Ling Tian said bluntly: "Since we have turned our hostility into friendship, I think some explanations are necessary. This matter should start with Li Yi."

After all, Ling Tian told the story of Li Yi threatening Tucun and Lu Gang to avenge Li Yi indiscriminately, and threatening to Tucun.

(End of this chapter)

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