My Evil Emperor is super sweet

Chapter 388 Where is the former prince?

Chapter 388 Where is the former prince?
Why does he think the prince has changed?
Where did the gentle and weak prince go?

Why can people change at will?

"Give me a good fight! If you beat him to death within 400 boards, and you still can't kill him after 500 boards, please resign!"


The guards were sweating profusely.

"Go to court! I hate dead eunuchs, and I don't want those eunuchs who don't have many to follow, and the imperial guards will be my guards."


Therefore, the emperor was accompanied by eunuchs to go to court, but the first morning court when Miss Yechuchenye disguised herself as a man, she was accompanied by 120 majestic imperial guards.

The atmosphere in the Hall of Supreme Purity has dropped to a certain level at this moment. There has been no news from the little eunuch sent by the saint, and the ministers are beating drums in their hearts. Embrace an emperor.

Accompanied by a burst of uniform footsteps, 120 imperial guards rushed into the hall.

"The Emperor is here!"

There was no ending sound like the eunuch's roar on weekdays, but the voice of the imperial guards was full of iron and blood, and a chilling meaning spread throughout the hall by the way.

Ye Chuchen was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, and her hair was tied up high with a bright yellow jade crown. Against the backdrop of a majestic imperial costume, the softness of the girl was hidden, and a vigorous heroic spirit was added.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Chuchen stepped up to the high platform with his head held high, and the moment he lifted up his robe with his hands, he turned handsomely and sat down.

From the moment she entered the Hall of Supreme Purity to the moment she sat down, she did not show any trace of fear, but showed the domineering aura of the emperor, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live!"

When they were seated in the early morning of the night, all civil and military officials knelt down, and only four people stood in the entire court.

They are Huang Yi, the religious saint who is above the imperial power, and the three brothers of the late emperor, that is, the three uncles in Ye Chuchen's current body-Prince Yu, Prince Jing and Prince Li .

The three princes at least clasped their fists and bowed slightly in a hypocrisy, but the holy lady of the god religion had a proud look with her nostrils upturned, her back straightened, and although she was in a low place, she was condescending Looking at Ye Chuchen carefully.

Damn, idiot!If you don't pour a pot of homemade chili water into your nostrils in the future, my mother's surname will not be Ye.

"Be flat."

After Ye Chuchen said lightly, he glanced at the commander of the Imperial Guard next to him.

The other party received the emperor's signal, and the commander of the Imperial Guard immediately said: "If there is something to do, we will play, and if there is nothing to do, we will retreat."

ha? !

All the ministers under the court were dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

On the first day of the new emperor's early court, he didn't even say some new strategies for governing the country and his expectations for the ministers. Without saying a word, he wanted to retreat. How can this be done? !

"Your Majesty, all previous emperors have come to court on time. Today is your first day of enthronement, but why is it half an hour late? Do you know that civil and military officials have been waiting for you all this time?
Junqin is on the right side of the court. Regardless of everyone's waiting, you wantonly tampered with the time when the previous emperors went to court. Are you ashamed? "

The saint is upset!
The hearts of all the ministers froze, they were all worried that the timid new emperor would pee on the dragon chair in fright!

After all, when the new emperor was still the crown prince, he was often scared to pee by the saintess.


"Ashamed? Why should I be ashamed? I tell you, don't use the former emperor to suppress me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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